Higher as possible! If you don't want your game turning into a walk in the park, stay away of the magics like the miracle Great Lightining Spear, the sorcerer soul geyser. and you'll still have a "little hard" time beating it. My first play was pure melee, and wasn't easy at all, but in my newer plays, i've always used some type of magic, to beat the game faster and go for the pvp :)
everson_rm's forum posts
In new game +, the only thing that matters is soul memory. I've invaded and get invade by ppl with 50+/- level, but always within 1.000.000 souls memory range...
To me isn't a problem at all. And, imho, they made this decision to "force" you to get to new game +, to max your entire equipment, get enough spells etc.
Yeah, my bad, what i really was asking is the fastest/reliable/effective way to get to the lvl 2 in blue sentinels. TY and sorry! BTW, i'm not a bad player, already got "plat" for it. But i really don't like NG+, i found it very "unffair". One hit kill for many bosses is really cheap. Well, imho!
Hi ppl, im starting a new Character, and was wondering: what is the best/festest way to get the WOG spell, within the first playthrough? TY, and sorry about my english!
They shouldnt nerf anything at all, just buff the stats scaling for averyting (STR, DEX, Lightining, ETC), just not for the moonlight sword... and maybe a little nerf on spells overall damage, thats it.
Damm, just finished my moonligh gs build! They should stop changing the rules. My first build in DS1 was a BK great Axe wielder, and, when i finished it, the weapon got nerfed... I really love DaS, but theese "rules changes" will make me not buy another souls game, until it get patched... sadly. They could only make the Moonlight Greatsword not get buffed from the spell/resin for the R2 attack... They take a great weapon, and turn it into a useless one...
Sorry about the delay! No You dont need to start over! You can choose the version on psn, choose the one with the DLCs. Then star downloading, and quit. After that, go to your dowloads, and the dlcs will be there!
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