No, just leave a white summoning at the door of a boss, and you'll get something like 4000-5000 souls per boss defeated. Repeat till you get all youre souls back.
Bump! BTW read in another forum, that youll need to download separte files, but they arent showing up. And someone contacted sony, and they say that they know the problem, and tryng to resolve it...
Dunno, but i hope so. Or, theyre tryng to make the game to be "impossible" to have a "full-fledged" build in only one play round. Making sure you'll have to beat at least one time, to make a very powerfull character. :(
To me, would be better if the invaded, don't go hollow if killed, just count as a die, like whem you invade someone. You loose every soul and humanity, but don't go hollow, and the bloodstein would be in the death place... And if the invaded kill the invader, he would gain souls equal of the invader souls needed to lvl up. not just half of it... It would bring more of a motivation to try to kill the invader...
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