Its so small its cute. I would buy it if I wasn't consumed by how bad dell products are. their service is horrible, their computers are usually comes with adapters that are very expensive to buy.
@daBrokenFace Depends how much time you want to spend on it. the stealth in Far Cry 3 allowed me to slowly take my time and kill all the soldiers silently most of the time. On steam it says that my time in farcry is 80 hours, but I did play some co op so I think its more like 70-75 hours.
@aegis_kleais Well they said its the same length of Far cry three, that game I see that the average is 32 hrs to 100% minimum length is 10 hours and the longest time was 104 hours. it took me 80 hours to finish it at 100% so.....I guess it will be 70-80 hours for me and if the co op is good it will be even longer.
@Fursnake @evil_m3nace finding the temple was pure luck for me too because I was hunting a shark from a boat, I just happened to see a underwater structure and low and behold there were manta rays swimming around. Like you it was also surreal :)
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