@billynomates: Each review I've read made it sound like a low score was coming, but didn't. Sounds like the developer is getting the benefit of the doubt based on previous iterations of the game and patch histories.
I was curious, the author couldn't describe Civilization? They said it more than once to reiterate how little they knew about Civ. I was surprised the release date was in Feb given that the there hadn't been any gameplay previews.
Looks like the streamers got access to the Civ 7 a few days ago. Maybe Gamespot should have posted a gameplay video instead of this written article where the author couldn't properly describe a game genre that's in its 7th full iteration.
AI is like the shift in baseball. Consumers and market conditions won't solve it, although this is a small victory.
Most people don't care and it'll take regulation to rein in. I'd salute Riot for taking a stand if they weren't using AI across many of their other departments.
@jenovaschilld: I don't know, but it could've happened. Licensing music in perpetuity for movies and TV is incredibly expensive for this reason. That's why you don't hear previous big hits used that often (yes popular artists often create new music though).
@esqueejy: I can't believe 3 people thumbed this up. Nintendo's not coming into your home, taking your NES and old cartridges away.
They're not going to take your Tears of the Kingdom digital game away either, but they could. It's reasonable to clarify the consumer language so that people are aware even if it's unlikely to happen.
eyeball2452's comments