k I got a 470 GTX which I want to add to another one I'll buy. I have a Cooler Master 750w80+PSU, will it be enough for the 470 GTX SLI? Also I got an i7 875k CPU, 4 gigs of RAM, and all the other basic stuff. Nothing is OCed. BTW I asked the guys at EVGA (my card's manufacturer) and they said that as long as I don't OC the sys then it's fine for the SLI. Thought? Thanks!
Yeah that too. I know it's nothing too hard to do, just press a button, but it's just stupid, pointless. By the way I got it after starting Dead Space 2.
Mate, this is one of the worst ports ever! I mean if the original one was a disaster, lets say we call it "Katrina", then this one is just a slap in it's face, more like "hiroshima". Epic if I may.. Anyways even with all patches and stuff the game runs realy bad, so it's not your sys, just the bad game
holy $h!t what is this? forged in gods very flames. do my eyes tell me lies? a new elder scrolls game time is nigh i must fly venture forth on my quest good bye ma goodbye pa and goodbye girlfriends breasts ill be off azeroth catch you later high rule ill be gone albion im no longer your fool other crap that filled my time whilst i waited to begin the adventure of my life in the land of skyrim. so who else would give up anything to just to play this game right nowanchorboy7
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