So consoles get Crysis, we should get RDR or Uncharted in return.
But instead, we get LA Noire. I say yey to that!f22rf's forum posts
Will there be an edition of the game that will include all the comics issues? As I recall the collector's edition won't include the comics, I may be wrong though. And I mean the paper comics, not the digital version. Thanks
I just beat the second boss(in normal).
I only used 2 grenades, one rifle and a stun gun.
Man I used everything I had on that b***! about 120 rifle bullets, a few shotgun bullets, p.e.p.s, 2 sniper rifle bullets and finally picked up that machine gun that was laying there and finished her off... that was quite the fight! Also used alot of energy and all of my health pack things..sheesh... And the annoying this is that every time I tried to melle her she just punched my face back! even when she was near death! ahhhh..On the other hand, l found it way to easy. So easy tah l thought it was bugged.
The fight with Barrett was more difficult imo. I died 15 times:P.
Hhh.. I thought the opposite.. I tought the fight with Barret was too easy, he went down after a few shots in the head from my rifle.. Oh well, I guess each one and his experience :)[QUOTE="raven_squad"]
The EMP/Electricity protection dermal armor aug makes that fight a cakewalk.CDudu
I just beat the second boss(in normal).
I only used 2 grenades, one rifle and a stun gun.
Man I used everything I had on that b***! about 120 rifle bullets, a few shotgun bullets, p.e.p.s, 2 sniper rifle bullets and finally picked up that machine gun that was laying there and finished her off... that was quite the fight! Also used alot of energy and all of my health pack things..sheesh... And the annoying this is that every time I tried to melle her she just punched my face back! even when she was near death! ahhhh..So right now I just finished the second boss, and I have most of the augs' I wanted. I have-
Anti flash vision
Multiple opponent take down
Landing system
Hard skin- 2nd level
Cloak- full
Legs- jump high, run silent
Hacking to level 3 systems, hacking to turrets
Energy- full faster regeneration, 3 cells
Typhoon system- full
Arms- carrying capacity- full, break walls
And all the reg stuff you get from the start
I think I got all these pretty early. In what status were you in that stage?
I'm playing stealth- combat way, but hacking the cr*p of what ever I can. GG.
Ah c'mon Felipe, don't speed through the game... enjoy it and smell the flowers.[QUOTE="flipin_jackass"][QUOTE="FelipeInside"] Yes, that would be a better question. Does doing the side quests make the main game EASIER to finish? (as in gaining XP, points, etc...) or can it be done without bothering with the side quests?FelipeInside
Hahahahhaa, yes true...
I don't want to speed through the game... but I also have to consider my limited gametime lately.... I can't even get one hour of gaming these days. And with so many titles coming up....ya know....
Well you could say it's in some way easier by doing all the sidequests and finding more xp points, cuz that way you earn more xp and therefore you can unlock more augs' which will make the game easier and cooler :)Exactly! The reason for there to even be a cut scene not in the game's engine (not being rendered by the engine) is for the cut scene to be in a better quality then the game engine- this is the case most of the time when the scenes aren't being made from the game's engine, for example look at all the trailers, they look alot better then about any engine today, and that is the reason not to make a scene with the engine but with an HD video (trailer-like). Ahh.. so making a scene and making it worst then the game engine?! this is just pointless..What bothers me about the cut scenes is that that a lot of them could have simply been in real time. The transition from gameplay to cut scene is quite jarring. Especially considering that the game looks so much cleaner then the cutscenes. I mean really, do we need a video cutscene of Adam walking into the clinic or Adam walking into his bosses office. They should use those cutscenes for the cool stuff.
Indeed! it would feel much more aliveOn PC this game should have had proper HD cutscenes, a LOT more NPC's roaming the city to make it look more like a city and less like a game, and probably a lot betetr graphics.
The series is at its highest point at the moment, and you are calling it stale?
Yup. I find AC series to be quite boring. I can't have an opinion? Oh, I should leave and remind myself that this is I can't have an opinion.Nope, you can't have an opinion, yes that is exactly what I meant... This is gamespot, so we can never ever ask or question other peoples thoughts without receiving a negative response.
Jango you are so right man.. just freaking sad about this place.. As for the topic they can go on as long as they want, just don't make a release every year, but every 2 or 3 years and people will eat their hats in anticipation..They made all these fantastic cinematics and trailers for the game, all the way since its announcement to its release,that graphicaly just look awsome, but they made all the cut scenes in the game so bad, so low res... I don't get it, why do all that great work and in the final product, the actual experience, the place where it should shine, do the opposite? Don't get me wrong, I really enjoy DE:HR, gameplay is great, graphicly it's just fine (mostly because of the character models), some aspects are really great and some are less, but it's like cheating abit on your audience. Of course I know it costs less, but also does making a crapy game (just to make a point). I'm just abit disappointed.
(No trolls that will say- oh man gameplay>>>graphics, cuz I know that myself, just stick to the point please).
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