@TomMcShea @faceless-mask @blazin640 @19James89 Honestly, I did state that it is your opinion, and you are entitled to your opinion. I was merely explaining why people may view the review as anti-nintendo bias, and also pointed out that I disagreed with a few of your opinions. Just saying.
@russelloh @faceless-mask @GamerLegend10 So, you basically had NO problem with cortana's sexpot holographic virtual AI design? That's hypocritical of you. I mean, Cortana went from looking like a tomboy to looking like a sexpot in Halo 4. But you chose to ignore that instead of getting pissed off over it. Well, congratulations, when the game comes out, and if you wish to play it, you can do the same thing with Quiet!
@bwvictorious @BradBurns @gargungulunk @icer67 The Witcher was originally a novel before it was made into a video game. So again, that may not count, since Burns may be speaking with regards to characters purely from video games.
@russelloh @GamerLegend10 Did you play Halo 4? If so, did you ever vocally voice any complaints you may have had about Cortana becoming an over-sexualised holographic female AI?
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