maybe the Windfish will be a new playable character. so large you can't see anything except for the fish, and has a kirby/jigglypuff jump. and the attacks would be it's stupid cry, that makes everyone nostalgic.
You know these things on that island in Oracle os Ages that steal all your staff and then want you to pay up something to get them back. ok, I forgot what they were called, but I hate them so much that I haven't played OoA for years.
YANNIK92 posted about forming a zelda phantom hourglass union, he asked if I was interested, but I didn't have time to answer before the thread got locked, so i think should answer it here: I might be interested, but I am not sure if I have time and I'm not used to much responsibilities, tell me more about by Pm's please!
I have LADX, OoA, OoS, ALttP/Four Swords, MC, zelda collectors edition, WW. that means I can play any of the real zelda games except FSA, tetras trackers, special editions and stuff.
aah new zelda! new zelda! got to get it! now! *hysterical*.... ok take a deep breath *ahhh-hhffooo* new zelda! new zelda! got to get it! now! sorry i just get excited easily...
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