Next-Gen is disappointment, look they can't even run Killzone and Driveclub at 60fps why? Because the fastest console PS4 can't handle them.These are the exclusive which should be optimized greatly and should have much better graphics as compared to other games but a shame!
At least, Xbone is going pretty well with its games so far. Forza 5 looks great and will run at 60fps.....
GTA V gameplay trailer looks better than all of the watchdogs gameplay trailers combined lol :D Yes, I'm excited for WatchDogs but after watching GTA V I forgot about watchdogs.
@aligatorhardt FC2 was a really boring game.Enemy keep respawning again and again.Boring missions, felt like more than half of the game was just side missions which were necessary to get next big and proper story missions.
FC3 is way better.Though, story could have been better but the game itself is perfect.
faisal_6600's comments