Alright, i got the yellow light of death. Whenever i turn my ps3 on, the little green light comes on then it turns into a yellow light and beeps three times, then turns into a blinking red light. How do i fix this?
Okay, so im working on Strictly Business and I've incountered a probem. I'm trying to inslave Red from Big Town, but she only has 2 health left due to the attacks. When i try to mezz her, she just dies. Any solutions?
Okay, this is my third time running through the game (I have Broken Steel, btw.)and i was wondering... What happens to Charon if he activates the purifier? Does he die? Go back to Underworld like he does if he's fired? Wakes up in the Citadel with you? Thanks to anyone who can help me.
Depends. I am imagining MW2 being something like MGS4. Like the combat engine and stuff. So if it gets a bad review (I highly doubt that it will) then yes, i will still get it. Plus CoD4 is one of my favorite games next to Fallout 3 (duh) and MGS4 and LBP. So if CoD4 was that good, im guessing MW2 will be better.
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