Order a hard drive transfer kit from Xbox.com or look for a used one on Ebay. I'm pretty sure they are free from Microsoft whereas Ebay might cost you $20-40. I've transferred my data once from a 20gb to 120gb and then again from 120gb to 250gb. Both times it worked perfect.
fanboy999's forum posts
Didn't Sony already say that the PS3 is 3D capable? I see the new 3D blu-ray players are around $400. I have a PS3 so I won't need a new player right?
"Sega does what Nintendon't"
They haven't even sold that many systems yet. I guess this means people will be buying multiple copies of it.
So with months of speculation on the blu-ray vs. dvd space and downgraded visuals on the 360 they both score exactly the same. I guess those issues weren't enough to merit a slightly higher score on the PS3. Interesting...
Dumb in my opinion. I have never played a demo that I liked so much I didn't buy the real game. I either don't like a demo or I like it and buy the game. I don't need more than a level or an hour of gametime to decide. Degrading certain items like the visuals or audio doesn't make any sense to me. Just give us all the graphics for a short time so we can try it out. I sure hope Xbox doesn't try to go this way.
Someone in Microsoft already said 3 years ago it's strategy was to release a Halo or Gears game every other year. So we had Gears 2 in '08, ODST in '09, Reach in '10, and I'm sure it will be Gears 3 in '11. They would be very foolish not to release a trilogy on the current system. I'm sure they can do prequels or sequels on the new Xbox in 5 years. But I'm sure a new system isn't that far off.
Now that I got rid of my Wii I can debate all day. Here's my argument: 360 is awesome, PS3 is good, Wii sucks. There you have it from someone who owned all systems.
Ok, I downloaded"The Lost Nightmares" DLC for Resident Evil 5last night.I've noticed one very weird fact. My original RE5 (non gold edition ofcourse)game disc spins the whole time I am playing the new DLC content. This isn't the case with my other games and their DLC. Why would the disc have to spin at all ifthe DLC ison the hard drive?I haven't installed the main RE5 game yet which I know will fix that.I really hope that the new DLC is really new. But if the disc has to spin it makes me think it was there all along. So is the "new" content just unlocked by buying the DLC. I have a bad feeling I was just had by Capcom.
Ok, I downloaded this last night. I haven't played RE5 in awhile so I was excited for new content. I've noticed one very weird fact. My original RE5 (non gold edition ofcourse)game disc spins the whole time I am playing the new DLC content. Why would the disc have to spin at all ifthe DLC ison the hard drive? Normally I always install my game discs to the hard drive before I play. But I haven't installed the main RE5 game yet otherwise I wouldn't have noticed it. With all my otherinstalled games the 360 is silent. I really hope that the new DLC is really new. But if the disc has to spin it makes me think it was there all along. So is the "new" content just unlocked by buying the DLC. I have a bad feeling I was just had by Capcom.
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