AC is a bomb before release? Why bother making a movie at all? Anyone that would be interested in buying that type of game is probably already aware of the franchise. Square made a Final Fantasy movie that almost bankrupted the company, but no big deal, it's not like another company's pushing a hostile takeover of Ubisoft!
I think Marvel is missing the point of "diversity" by changing iconic characters (mostly white male) they risk alienating fans, let's not forget their characters are still mostly designed by old white guys. If Marvel truly wants to diversify try hiring young diverse artists and writers. Riri Williams, come on that name is offensive to me for trying so hard to sound black.
Maybe now publishers will be eager to make more games XBone BC? There's a clear sales advantage for games developers don't want to remastered. Personally still waiting on Lost Odyssey, Mass Effect 2 & 3, Street Fighter IV and King of Fighters XIII
@leonfgm2: Really! That's sucks, do you at least get the DLC characters? SFV is doing nothing to help Capcom's recent bad reputation, maybe someone should just buy them and put management out of our misery.
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