What a scam, the original PlayStation “Greatest Hits” signified a price drop from (near) full price. “PlayStation Hits” trying to sell you games that are already that price (if not lower) for example Street Fighter V for $20! You can get SFV Arcade Edition with 2/3 the character DLC for $30, if you try to buy those 2 season passes individually it’d cost you about double that!
All Sony’s doing is remarketing games that aren’t selling well anymore.
Epic missed their chance to make money on me, Save the World is the only thing I’m interested in, maybe it’ll come to Switch when the mode is complete and battle royale is in decline?
@lionheartssj1: Technically Comcast is bigger than Disney, considering Comcast owns cable and Internet service providers. Personally I rather see Disney get Fox, at least Marvel gets their characters back.
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