Jean Grey is back again... again. Jean probably has the record for the most times killed off in comics, this doesn't bode well for her younger version or cologne or whatever, I stopped paying attention.
@PrpleTrtleBuBum: The film rights to Silver Surfer and Cyclops are owned by Fox studios, I wouldn't hold my breath for any characters not aligned with MCU films.
BTW if you think Cyclops is getting into MvCI before Wolverine (or X-23) you're smoking crack.
@tsunami2311: if you want a Square JRPG like the Final Fantasy's on SNES you should get a Nintendo Switch, there is a game coming out that looks a lot like those games. ; )
@lostn: If that's the case the Switch would be the best platform for this game, it has touch, pointer controls, could play on your TV & it's portable! Everything you would want to play Okami. (except 4K if that's a big deal)
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