@deviltaz35: LOL yeah. I didn't even start it I was replying to someone else, it's funny how one simple misspelling could subconsciously set off a chain. If that's the worst thing that happens in GameSpot's comments consider it a good week.
@geiasou: What's your problem? I just expressed concern, I didn't pretend to know what I was talking about (I literally said that!) why don't you pretend not to be a jerk.
While I'm optimistic Microsoft knows what they're doing, I'm concerned removing ESRAM may lead to performance issues in games (similar to early reports of PS4 Pro if not worse) but I'm not pretending to be an engineer.
@Daveof89: LOL, some of my friends offered me their old HD TVs but I keep the CRT around for old game consoles (NES, Genesis, Xbox, Wii etc.) it's all put away neatly in a cabinet that hides everything, I stream Netflix on Wii sometimes. I don't watch a lot of TV in my room so I never saw the point of getting something newer.
FanboyMan's comments