@vilified_signals: Good question.. I don't know? For me I got season 1 & 2 as gifts, I've recently purchased season 3 Ultimate Edition on sale for $20. Since I waited for a discount I got the seasons about a year before GwG but a year after people who buy day one.
I guess it depends how long you want to wait for new content, if I knew KI would eventually be free I probably would've waited.
@AssassinsRush1: Not True, I need an Internet connection to play Street Fighter V or I don't earn fight money (so what's the point of playing?) to be fair I can't think of any other specific PS4 games I need Internet for off the top of my head, but with Xbox you need to be able to connect to the cloud just to sign into your profile, WTF!?
@oneligas: No. The console market is better with Nintendo in it, they're constantly shaking up hardware (often for the better). I get so frustrated when I try to play a single player XBOne or PS4 game just to be stopped by a poor Internet connection!? Nintendo doesn't use that always online BS and I appreciate them for it.
BTW why's it insane Nintendo's still making home consoles? The original Wii sold over 100million (fluke or not)
@gamingdevil800: If there's enough games you want to play just buy the console. Competition is a good thing imagine what the Xbox One would be like if PS4 wasn't around!? For that matter imagine Playstation without Nintendo around...
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