Everyone has played games like world of warcraft and everquest and games like that. Why are people so addicted to those games you do the same thing OVER AND OVER and I dont no how you can sit thier and do that all day. The games are so plain and boring and they all are the same thing. Lord of the rings online is gunna be like the rest where you have people on the computer 24/7 playing that crappy game
are you kiddine me the psp is way better then the ds and if you like fnal fantasy then wait till crisis core comes out for the psp then you will be sorry that you ever got rid of it
I dont no everyone is really hyped about it and thier all gunna buy it but I think once it comes out everyone is gunna relize that it's not gunna be that great of a gaem that they thought it might have been
well i found that the psp was way better then the ds and I have both of them and it depends on what type of game you really are. If you like more serouis games and shooters and stuff like that then psp is for you, if you like more kiddy games then the ds is for you, another reason why I like the psp so much is cuase it was so many good rpg games
I dont even know whgy you guys are being so negative I think it might and ouldn't you guys want it to. like come on x-box is still good and deserves to have a good game like that come out for it
We always hear about all this hype about the halo 3 game for the 360 but will they make a version for the original x-box or not? I think they should since the first 2 were on it the 3rd one should be to
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