farmergeorge Blog
Top 1000
by farmergeorge on Comments
yay, i have one of the top 1000 scores on yay.
does anyone know what the highest is?
Yay!!! level ten
by farmergeorge on Comments
Score, up over one and a half levels.
So proud of myself. lol
It s-u-c-k-s To be me
by farmergeorge on Comments
Yet another title of a song from avenue q but today it is true. It does suck to be me today. I have a temperature, a throbbing headache and a throat that feels like i've been swallowing gravel. It indeed sucks to be me. Oh, and one minute i feel fine then the next minute i feel like i'm ina bloody freezer and then i feel either fine again or that i have just entered a sauna. :'(
The only slight upside (if there is any upside to the way i feel right now) is that i get out of school. A maths test thingy, a chemistry test (which i'll have to do when i go back anyway so that doesn't really count) and p.e though, surprisingly i am actually starting to enjoy football. If you can call it football, there's more tackling and kicking of shins than anything else. One of the reasons why i am actually starting to think its not quite so bad after all. But i do still kinda hate it, mainly because it's freezing and we have to do it outside, lol.
by farmergeorge on Comments
OMG i've had Schadenfreude goin through my head all day, which is not really a bad thing coz its a great song from a brilliant musical. I only wish it wouldn't cost so much to go down to london and watch it, lol. I really want to see it. It looked fab in the royal variety performance, Julie Atherton is the best!!
by farmergeorge on Comments
okay i'm having trouble actually getting onto today. it keeps coming up with something like 509 bandwith...blah blah blah some technobabble that i don't quite understand. and its only been today, its never happened before. Am i the only one having trouble getting access today?
please let me know asap
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