I'd rather hear some detailed news about how fun or how cool he gameplay is rathr than all these packaging gimmicks. what next? FF XV comes with a scratch and smell guide book so you can learn how some of the characters and places smell?
@techdemon: yeah i guess going fishing with my grandad, playing with my friends on a tree house and traveling through the country on bicycle is a waste of time comapred to playing a game on a console just one of my friends had back then.
@trugs26: juvenoia is the term for that. There is a quite fun letter somene wrote in the mid 1700's who was really upset, because all the kids in his house were all idiotized reading their extravagant silly magazines instad of chatting with eachother.
@alien33: dude, let me give you good advise: If you love a franchise, stay the f*** away from forums, trailes, teasers or any thing that may give you a wrong idea of the new stuff. Just wait patiently till it comes out, and go to the theatre with your heart and mind open, and let them be filled with the purity of a non spoiled experience. Wether you like or not the result, you'll come out with the unique chance to build your very own opinion about it, and then you'll be absolutely free.
ferna1234's comments