@Sanligo and most items are not right away "better" than other, because they're meant to be be upgraded at blacksmith, and shine in different lights at endgame. This guy just played it lazy and whined about everything he didn't understand, and did little about it.
Most of the thing you highlight as bad, I find good.
Dark souls is not a power fantasy RPG like all other there's been out. its a hard game. If you don't like it hard you may not like dark souls. It is that simple.
@Aderdunn_3 i'm playing it on pc and i have no problem with mouse+keyboard (FAR FAR FAR better than controller IMO, a thing of being used to it i guess). Haven't finished it, but so far I've loved it. all games have a lot of things to learn from DS 2. Its just nailing it after nailing it on every aspect of gameplay.
ferna1234's comments