i played the beta and i was not dissapointd, just cuz i knew it was gonna suck :/. They're too focused in making the players feel "epic" and "powerfull" and "screen shakers" instead of making an interesting challenging fun game. I felt like I was exterminating vermin instead of actually fighting the legiosns of evil.
m so sick of exaggerated unnecessary extreme EPICNESS in everything nowadays. They've even made snow white compete with the lord of the rings for jesuschrist's sake.
I don't care if the ending's good or not, i'm concentrated on having fun while playing the game. If you didn't like the ending, just... get over it.. go watch Merry Poppins and get your day's happy ending elsewhere.
SOPA will cause more money to be lost in terms of publicity than the money that is lost from piracy. It does not repair the leak, it puts a bucket on the floor for the leak to drip on.
umm... how is diablo III actually different from wow? away from the fact that wow is OTS and this one it top view.... I don't seem to see (hopefully cuz its an early game beta) the main difference between the diablo family and world of warcrat... seriusly blizzard, try to change your award winning recipe a bit.
ferna1234's comments