Don't people generally think that Ninja Theory is doing good with Enslaved? I know Heavenly Sword is pure **** but that doesn't mean this will be bad. Then again I said I wasn't a fan of team ninja for metroid other m and has anyone seen the review in GI? I know the review is better here but still a 79 on meta critic is one of the lowest that series has ever gotten equal to metroid pin ball. Everyone told me I was crazy for thinking it wouldn't be so good and Nintendo is watching over it. I guess the best we can hope for is DMC2 quality.
Heavenly sword wasnt **** problem with team ninja is that they cannot deliver 60 fps fast gameplay..even the trailer looks slow..also they always struggle with fps problem
It's ninja theory, NOT team ninja. If Team Ninja did this game, it probably would only have fan-service and a slightly poor story. Team ninja probably would do a better job with the character though, even if the character ended up looking like Ryu.
i got them mixed up but my point still stands
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