So far nothing I've seen here matches the impressive detail i saw in last years star wars 1313 gameplay demo and thats because that was running on a "true" Next gen Engine. all these are just a bunch of optimized UE 3 Standardized kits (I'm talkin to you EA for just reharshing your current gen engines >Frostbite and CryENGINE and pretending like its something completely new)
In spite of my remarks earlier, this series is still one of the best rpgs i have ever played in a while. Kudos to CD Projekt for finally expanding this to the two other major platforms
@vyaswanth @ffspyda I hope so, i really do, cause they were the ones that had my hopes up in the first place. otherwise it wouldn't hav raised my expectations
@Jamoid @ffspyda if i remember correctly cd projekt said it themselves about how "next gen" the new witcher would "look and feel. they said it would look like their next IP( CYBERPUNK ) which their aiming would have CG like graphics with no area load times, completing free roaming
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