Good call on canceling it. I don't know why Capcom is suffering with Megaman. They haven't even included him in UMVC3. We've seen all old popular sequels on current gen except for Megaman. I wouldn't like it if I see a Megaman game developed by a western developer. It will turn out to be like any other westernized Capcom game like RE6 or Dead Rising 2 which I liked them when they were developed by people who created them IN FREAKING JAPAN!!!!
I trust Nintendo. There hasn't been a single system Nintendo released that failed. All of their games and systems are the most selling in the market. Slow start for them, but I am buying a Wii U soon
Does Microsoft realize that an always online system is only going to work in North America/ Europe/Austrailia? Don't they realize how they profitted from other regions like Asia and Middleast? Sure those regions don't buy Xbox systems and Xbox games direcly from Microsoft. They would buy them from other suppliers which get them from Microsoft. So, Microsoft think that the demand for their systems and games are locally and not internationally.
fgjnfgh's comments