@bathsaltsuser @EdAl2112 it makes sense right? put a female in a game to make the game better. Not to please a certain group. Great game, I played as Catwoman over Batman the whole game.
@bathsaltsuser Improve games? are you kidding me? You improve game by forcing developers to add certain characters into a video just to please a certain group? When I don't like something about a game, I DON'T PLAY IT!
I never said anything about women's right to equality. I'm all for it. Do it where it makes sense.
Workforce Equality, Domestic Violence, Sports.
These developers aren't infringing on womens right at all! Your the one getting yourself over the right of these ARTISTS making a game the WAY THEY WANT TO.
I'm pretty sure they hear your voice...doesn't change the fact that if a women doesn't fit in a certain game then they shouldn't be in it. Don't just stick one in to please the like of you.
@caucel_cr no it doesn't. It's not your right. It's the right of the artist making the game to put whoever they damn well please in their games. You don't like it? go find another form of entertainment.
@bathsaltsuser @fig56 my point exactly. I feel very sorry for the men that you come in contact with on a daily basis. I'm pretty sure they feel the same way I do. With the type of attitude you portray, it is no wonder the only type of people that want to touch you are of the same kind as you. have a nice life!
@BoromiRwcgeorge THANK YOU. These women want to focus on little insignificant things like females in a damn VIDEO GAME. Why don't they focus their time and energy on things that really matter? How about workforce equality? Their still making less than men for the equal position in most cases. Open your eyes to the rest of the world and you will see that's more important things going on than a virtual character in a damn VIDEO GAME!
@deershadow @fig56 @bunchanumbers @deuely I have to say that excuse was kinda of bogus. It still doesn't change the fact that if you don't like that a certain game doesn't have a particular gender as a lead character then you don't have to play said game. Nobody is forcing you to play it. They have the freedom to do what they want with their games. If you don't agree, then have your little hissy fit and move on.
fig56's comments