I doubt if microsoft will do that for awhile. Their goal is to make money or at least break even with game pass. 85% of the games on game pass are subpar games that have a hard time selling for less than 10 dollars on a flash sale. They have a handful of great games on there, but that is just so the service doesnt look like garbage. This is coming from an xbox one s fan
Alden Ehrenreich was extremely miscast in this role. He comes off as a soft wuss-bag rather than being sardonic and gritty. He may not look like Harrison, but that is not the point. He doesnt have the mannerisms at all
Ive been hoping for this for years. Im even happier its coming out on xbox one. I stayed with sony until the ps3 and then switched to the one s this gen...
I already use my ps3 and psp to play the original spyro the dragon trilogy, rayman 1 & 2, and just the ps3 to play the original ape escape disc. The main thing I would look forward to with ps2 emulation on the ps4 would be the ability to play ape escape 2 & 3 again.
@Foreheadvcr @AngelsongCA I really couldn't give a shit if she's a "legitimate" gamer. If by being a "legitimate" gamer you mean she has 20 platinum trophies, then keep looking. I consider myself somewhere in between a regular gamer and a hardcore gamer and I would much rather watch this show with little interesting tidbits of game news and fill myself in with more news elsewhere. Go back to memorizing your Oblivion strategy guide and hanging out with Tom McShea.
filmauteur100's comments