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finalfan789 Blog


Halo everyone it's finalfan789. Uh I decided to log into this account for nostalgic purposes and to look at all my past blogs. Geez, I sure have grown from back then...I remember joining GS back in has it really been that long. I joined around the time that Wii and PS3 came So yea if you for some reason still don't know about my new account, here it is : -Skatman-

Feel free to track me once more!!! I won't be using the finalfan789 account, i just like to look at my old blogs.

So how have you all been? (to those who havent tracked Skatman yet :P )

For those of you that don't know I have a Wii now, I play Brawl online everyday, i don't play DS games anymore and no longer have a PSP. I also play Counter Strike Source and Team Fortress 2 on PC during the weekends. I have played and beaten SMG, SSBB, RE4, NMH, Wii Sports, Lost Winds, Megaman9, LoZOoT, SMB3 and Okami on the Wii. I recently replayed the MGS series (i have the essentials collection), and the GoW series on PS2. I also recently bought and am playing MLB09 The Show on PS2, Twin Snakes on GC, and will start playing Eternal Darkness soon. I just got a job, I start on friday, and am going to be buying Super Paper Mario and MarioKart Wii upon recieving my first check. I will also be saving up for a PS3 this summer.

That's basically all that is new with me, go to my new profile for more :D

The Final Goodbye

This is always funny for me, because I'm never able to keep this. But this time around I've been thinking, and my life lately has been about separating from many people so the story goes on. I'm going to be leaving high school soon, in June, and I will lose most of my friends forever. I think that instead of leaving both worlds at once, I should leave this one first. Many of you are good friends, many of you hate me, many of you just don't care about me, and that's just fine. I just want you all to know that this has nothing to do with any of you. This is me, my life, and how I want to be in the furture.

Me and AsakuraHao2004 have been having interesting conversations the last 1 or 2 days. Mainly about how life would be without certain things would be easier, how there would be less pressure when it comes to games, and how there would be so much more time for other things. Basically we both together came to the conclusion that it is time to leave. Now I've almost left GS before, and I've always came back...but this one is no joke, you may believe me, you may not. Curse at me or yell or whatever if you want to, cuz all that's in front of you is a screen, and just think of me as another user.

Alright so maybe some of you would like to keep in contact, my email is

For those of you that know me on MSN, STEAM, etc., you will no longer be able to reach me through there. I'm not logging into MSN under finalfan789 anymore and my STEAM has been changed around as well.

So yea, I can imagine many of you being confused right now, well don't be. I'm gone, don't worry. In a week or two, you'll forget me and continue posting and having a good time as usual. In fact you may see me here again one day...well...not in this account if I do return. Yup, I think if i returned to GS I would like things to be simple. Not so many blogs, not so many unions, not so much pressure to know so much about games and having to own the best of the best. No, if I returned to GameSpot, I would like to keep things as simple as possible. I think that being finalfan789 finally got to me...

It's time to move on. That's the simplest reason that I can come up with.

Im deleting my videos, except for the honorable mentions videos. Those are here to stay forever. I'm leaving all unions. And last but not least I say goodbye for the last time so...

Adios Fanaticos :lol:

Hasta Luego 8)

The Legend of Zelda Phantom Hourglass Review

Yup another review for you all to either read or ignore, recommend or not recommend...

The Legend of Zelda Phantom Hourglass

On a side note I feel lazy on GS...well not lazy really, but with all these new games I don't see much reason to post and not play games. So sorry if I haven't gotten to your blog specifically, I'll get around to it when I'm not so busy with games...well...maybe :P I barely even post in my own union or anything, either way all us GS users know playing games themselves are more important :lol:

Adios Fanaticos 8)

The First Impressions

Crisis Core Final Fantasy VII:

Gameplay- A bit repetitive so far, really easy, but very unique, I actually like the slot reel things, because it adds a fun randomness effect to everything, and also since it's a fast paced action RPG, that style of gameplay fits very well.

Graphics- Basically what you expect from Final Fantasy, great cutscenes and flashy gameplay, beautiful.

Sound- Pure nostalgia with the remade FFVII tunes.

Value- Im surprised by the fact that the game has a hard mode, once I finish easy mode I think I'll go back and try that, idk yet how many side missions there are though.

Story- I'm not too into it so I can't say much but I'm glad that im finally getting to know certain characters better…best not say exactly who…

Pre-score: 9.3

Castlevania Dawn of Sorrow:

Gameplay- Very interesting gameplay, because ive never played a game with this style before in my life.

Graphics- A bit old looking, then again the game itself is old, but a lot of characters do stick out in their appearance, like flying eyeballs and such.

Sound- "Vampirish" and very fitting.

Value- I have no idea how much replay value this game has, I'm hoping for something though.

Story- All I know so far is something about Vampires…oh and Dracula.

Pre-score: 9.0

New Super Mario Brothers:

Gameplay- Basically the same as old Super Mario Brothers gameplay with a few twists here and there.

Graphics- Nothing too impressive but it looks nice with the 3D look.

Sound- Mario music, what else can I say?

Value- Idk how long the game is but Ive heard this game isn't very good in the replay value department.

Story- ha! Save princess Peach >_>

Pre-score: 7.9

So basically I'm loving Crisis Core because of all the FFVII related stuff, I love Dawn of Sorrow because it's so fresh and new to me, and I really like Mario Brothers since I've always loved the series for my whole life, but the game doesn't really do anything new, which I don't mind since I will enjoy it anyway.

Oh yea the New York Yankees' baseball season started yesterday which means that half my days after school will be gaming while the other half of the day is baseball. So yea basically baseball is replacing GS for me starting now…not completely…but by a recognizable amount.

Anyway get ready for a The Legend of Zelda Phantom Hourglass review sometime tomorrow :o

Adios Fanaticos 8)

Edit: I think everyone's getting the wrong impression when i say i give NSMB a prescore of 7.9. That score does not mean i am not enjoying the game, as a matter of fact i am enjoying It VERY MUCH. Plus its just a pre-score people, nothing final. Just wanted to clear that up, now back to baseball.

Dawn of Crisis Core!! ***Update*** Also got New Super Mario Brothers

I usually don't do two blogs in one day anymore but...


oh and this game...(Castlevania Dawn of Sorrow)

So basically i was sitting around today while eating lunch after i was done with school (My schedule ends at 12pm), I was just sitting around thinking about what portable games to get next. I had already played the **** out of MarioKart DS for the last 3 months, and there isn't much left for me to do in Phantom Hourglass, so it was definitely time for new portables. I definitely needed a new PSP game, since Ive been ignoring my PSP the last few months. Also a nice portable RPG would hit the spot, so why not make it the prequel to my favorite game of all time? So went out, with $70 in my pocket, and had already made the on-the-spot decision to get Crisis Core. How did I decide to get Castlevania? Well, I had already wanted the game for a few months but everytime i tried to get it it would be sold out. So on the bus (yes...bus >_> ) I thought about what to get if they didn't have Castlevania. I was actually gonna get Patapon if they didn't have Dawn of Sorrow. But they did have it!! And so i am a happy man!! :D

And to think that this morning I didn't even think I was gonna get new games today :P

Adios Fanaticos 8)

(This is not an april fools joke :P Which is why i took pictures :lol: )


Wow, today I've been getting alot of games, now my brother got...


I feel so lucky today :P

Super Secret Brawl Character - Cloud Strife!!

CLOUD!!!!! :D

[spoiler] April Friggin Fools!!!:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!AHHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH...:| last year it was MGS4 now this....I crack myself up:?Its 5:30 am...Back to bed :D [/spoiler]

I unlocked him last night when I reached the 1000 Brawls milestone :D:D:D:D:D:D

He's amazing :shock:

Super Smash Brothers Brawl Review

Here is my Super Smash Brothers Brawl Review


Here is a hilarious video translating the Brawl theme song


Here is my explanation for the 9.2 score before I get attacked by a clan of wild fanboys:

SSBB is an amazing game that delivers in all its promises. Although the game is fun, it is more of the same from previous installments and nothing truely revolutionary. It is still a must buy for Wii owners and possibly one of the best times you will have playing a video game. Instead of just looking at the score and immediatly not recommending OR ignoring my review, why don't you please read it and try to understand my reasoning? And since when was 9.2 such a horrible score!?

Anyway on that note, Good Night.

Adios Fanaticos 8)

Let's talk about The Legend of Zelda for a second...

First off please be sure to check out my new video of the pros and cons of The Legend of Zelda Phantom Hourglass up in my blog header.

Now lemme get to the real point of this blog, talking about what I feel that this series should improve on. If anything. LoZPH proved to me that the LoZ games can be pretty challenging if they wanted to. Some of the problems that I had with Wind Waker and Twilight Princess were that these games seemed far too much on the easy side. It's funny cuz I didn't find the Ocarina of Time that way. But I think I know the main reason that the LoZ games seem easier in easier, especially In terms of boss fights.

It's mainly because the series has rehashed so much, that most of the time it feels like you have done the same thing before in a previous game. But then when I played Phantom Hourglass, I felt challenged again. Mainly becuase the game's touch screen controls open up new ways to interact with the game. Then again PH is very puzzle based, and I have always found the puzzles in Zelda games to be rather difficult.

And don't even get me started on the Oracle of Seasons. I tried playing that game once and will probably never try again, it's just too damn hard. I really think that this series should introduce more difficulty settings, because seriously some of them seem too easy while others seem more challenging. Usually the console versions are easier than the portable ones. It's funny how a game being too easy can be just as frustrating as it being too difficult...

I will be reviewing The Legend of Zelda Phantom Hourglass sometime soon but first I want to experience it online, so if you can play the game online then here is my FC: 4081 4823 9520

So at the end of it all, The Legend of Zelda series continues to be one of my favorite, and I predict my personal score for LoZPH to be:[spoiler] 8.9 [/spoiler]

Adios Fanaticos 8)

I feel like PC gaming today...

Gamers At School

It's not always that you find a new gaming friend in real life. And I don't just mean any friend that just so happens to play games. Most of the time, since my area is a bunch of Xbox fanboys for the most part, all you hear is "**** that **** 360 is better!!" and "Yo let's play Call of Duty!!!!!!!". It's refreshing to meet someone who is level headed and can actually converse about games in general. Like today, for example.

Surprisingly I met a kid in my school today (not sure if he's a freshman or sophomore) and we met cuz he overheard me talking to my other friend about an online match in Brawl we had the night before. Anyway at first we started talking about Brawl and our favorite characters and what-not, and somehow it turned into a convo about Crisis Core, Chrono Cross, and the like. He even offered to lend me Crono Cross which is pretty sweet. Pretty cool dude, nothing fanboyish about him, and has the exact systems that I have. Those being PS2, GC, Wii, PSP, and DS.

Well anyway I kinda had the vibe like he had a GS account, idk why. Maybe I'm just paranoid, but it seems like he would fit in perfectly on GS. I almost dared to ask him if he had one, but I thought better of it for personal reasons. Lol don't ask. GS is like my personal thing…

Anyway my point is it's cool to talk to someone who doesn't get all in your face and tell you that a game sucks cuz it's not on the Xbox 360. That's basically the crap I have to listen to whenever the subject of video games comes up in conversations in school. This reminds me that I owned my fellow students so hard the other day. My teacher literally asked the class whether he should get a 360 or PS3. So basically It was like this:

1 Playstation fanboy

Like 10 Xbox fanboys

And then there is me…the lone Wii owner...neutral.

So basically what ended up happening was that the 360 fanboys go first, they all talk about Xbox LIVE and how fantastic the service is. Then they talk about how wired internet is "so much more reliable than wireless". Then they go on about how the price is better. I spoke up and said how they get RROD a lot, and basically no one had anything to say to that. But then the 360 fanboys said that he could send it in to Microsoft and get it back. Then they said that PS3 games suck…

Then in a jokingly sarcastic way I say "Get a Wii with SSBB and you'll be set for life!!" Everyone just laughed…

Then the PS fanboy just talks nonsense about how the graphics are so amazing and Xbox 360 is a joke…and that most games on 360 are on PS3 anyway…yea that's pretty much all he said.

But then once the class is near over I speak up and say my opinion because I think that the PS fanboys argument is so weak that someone else should give a different point of view. So basically I say "Really guys, It all comes down to what type of games he likes. Mr, would you rather have MGS and FF, or Halo and GeOW?"

Well the teach replies by saying that he can't live without MGS and FF, and he's a film teacher so he loves games with great cinematics and Blue Ray HD for his big screen.

So basically I tell him "That sounds good, but really It's up to you, depends what you are looking for."

He agrees and as I leave the class I remind him that "Remember, It's all about the games." He was really grateful for it to because in the end he decided to get a PS3. I don't want to consider this a "win" because I ain't no fanboy…but I seriously think that I'm the only one that argued without saying anything negative or positive. Neutrality rules the day.

5 Cosas Que Puede Ser Que Tu No Sepas De Mi

Porque el amigo gamah_killah me hico hacer esto, tengo que hacerlo >_>

1. Soy Dominicano, naci ayi, y me mude a los Estados Unidos en 1993.

2. Yo hablo espanol (pues claro)

3. Vivo en Nueva York, adonde? Nadie sabras :twisted:

4. Toco guitarra...

5. Mi anime favorito es Death Note

Ya!! Lo hice!! Y ahora toditos estos tenien que hacerlo tambien!! :twisted:

pandaramaster, kingkilla3, FredGoon, GreggD, AsakuraHao2004

Toman!! :twisted: