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finalfan789 Blog

New Purchase- The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass

So yea i went to buy Castlevania for DS but that was sold out so my 2nd choice was LoZPH, and i bought it!! My first impressions of the game is holy crap its fun!!! And the music from Wind Waker is some of my favorite music from the LoZ series, so i really like the tunes in this one!! I couldn't get Castlevania Dawn of Sorrow because its an old game and they arent making copies of it anymore. So, when i finish LoZ and i choose to buy Castlevania, i will ask my friend to buy it online for me and i will pay him.

As for the Wii points card, that was sold out too...but my good pal is gonna come over and buy them with his credit card for me ;) Sucks when so much stuff is sold out, makes it feel like i came home empty handed. But ahh well i have another Zelda game. Now im playing Oracle of Seasons and Phantom Hourglass at the same time!! MADNESS!! :o

On the flip side my last blog got the most comments i've ever gotten, and i have to say that i am disapointed. I am not proud that i got so many comments about something so relatively meaningless like who im tracking. Next time i do a cleanout, im just not gonna tell anyone. I mean don't take it the wrong way, i appreciate the comments, but i feel like many people were like "Oh Noez!! I better comment or else!!!", and then they decided to comment. I hope that when i write an insightful blog where i talk about something that actually matters, that i get 200+ comments...or else this world just doesn't make sense anymore.

Maybe all my blogs should be short and trivial rather than long and insightful...don't you think? >_>

lol anyway cya round :P

Edit: OMFG i just saw "The Wyoming Incident" on youtube, and that is the scariest thing ever!! I was shaking after seeing it and my friend was in the corner of my room scared to death!! I have a video of me watching it...i might upload it...revealing myself :shock: First, im too scared to sleep (nightmares) so im gonna try to pull an all-nighter...

Random Tracker Dilemma

Over the past 2 weeks or so i have been getting alot more trackers. Maybe like 50+. Although im flattered that so many people are interested in me i definitely cannot keep all of you on my friends list. The last thing i want is to have 400+ "friends" when only 50 of them talk to me. So here's what im going to do. Only those who ive actually talked to and exchanged posts with for a while will i keep. Most of the random trackers from the last 2 weeks, i will still talk to you, but you wont be on my "friends" list. Even if we arent tracking eachother we can still be friends right? Im sorry i have to do this but it's for the sake of still being able to keep up with the blogs in my tracked blog list. If you haven't noticed, once you track alot of people, its easy to lose track of the blogs you care about. So, if i stop tracking you, do not take it personally, i just haven't gotten to know you well enough and i feel a bit trapped. Maybe if i see you posting in my blogs for a few weeks or you make really interesting blogs, then i will track you.

Thank you all, i think im going to keep my friends list at an even 200 users.

Peace 8)

P.S. I'm Picking up 1 new game for my DS and 1 new accessory for my Wii tomorrow, care to guess what they are?

Hint for the game: It's a series i've never played before

Edit: glennwinton guessed correct, the game is Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow

This is what im getting for the Wii.


Alright so in the events of super tuesday i am reading up on some news on yahoo, as i am interested in how the voting process is going for who will represent the democrats in the upcoming presidential election. Then, i come across this garbage-

"Harumph! Just goes to show you that Hispanics are the most racist group in America. "Vote for a Black Man? No hay manera de que nunca voy a hacer eso" The truth is shown to all of America. I am an Republican that will vote for Obama should McCain get the GOP ticket. It will be the first time that I have voted for a Democrat for President in 32 years. I see the racism that Hispanics try to spread in public schools. It is time to put a stop to it NOW!"

"Clinton lost Super matter how she spins it. She got the states with the political machinery. She squeezed the machine and there's no more machine to squeeze. But Barrack beat more than 6 states with more than 60% of the vote. Most of all...blacks and whites have come together. This election is not even over...and Obama is already healing our nation. Hispanics never got a chance to know him. Remember...Obama's strength is his message and his speaking ability. He doesn't speak in essence, he doesn't translate. Like I said...send the man 20 bucks and go out and canvas for him. We are on the verge of taking our nation back."

There was more but i rather not continue. Really, crap like this pisses me off. When i read this I slammed my computer desk so hard that i almost broke the top of it and my moniter's cable connecting it to the PC got disconnected. Not only am i Dominican but i hate breaking people up into groups in general. I hate racism, i hate prejudice, i hate every form of generalization ever made for any group of people.

Ok so the first guy says that hispanics are the most racist group in America. First of all, you cant name a whole group of people racists. Secondly, why would you even say that when we are probably the most heavily attacked group when it comes to racism (especially with the bordors and immigration etc.). Then he says that hispanics would never vote for a black man. Please, where did you get that from!? I actually plan on voting for Obama come november. I am hispanic, hell im only 17, and im paying attention, believe it or not hispanics do pay attention, we know english, we can read and write, and we are educated!! I think Obama would be a great president regardless of race, so that claim is ridiculous and just goes to show that YOU are the racist. You see the racism that hispanics spread accross public schools? :| Are you kidding me? Its time to put a stop to it NOW? What are we, some sort of infestation? A menace?? Is that all that we hispanics are to most of this country?? I mean i know its only one guy, but i bet there are thousands of others with the same mentality. Only on the internet do these hateful people make themselves known.

As for the second statement about Obama not speaking spanish so his messege doesnt get across to hispanics. What a load of BS. Millions of hispanics are fluent in english and understand him and politics clearly. As for the ones that struggle with the english language (the middle aged group and the ones that have recently moved to this country), they watch the news that translates what the candidates say word for word. Regardless of race, people are in-tune, people are working hard, and people will vote. Dont give me this crap about what you think a certain person is.

Im hispanic, do i know english? Yes, and i speak it as well as a "white" person. Am i educated? Yes i am an honors student in high school. I pay attention to politics, i know what's going on in the world. Im not saying that there aren't hispanics who dont pay pay attention, but you could say that about everybody. The day will never come when we stop looking at people in groups and look at them as individuals.

Because im hispanic im supposed to not know english. Im supposed to be dumb and racist. Im supposed to be trash. Thats the messege i get sometimes.

*NOTE: I hope no one is offended by anything i say, i hope you can understand my frustration. You dont have to comment this blog, and if you are racist then get the hell away from me. This is a very spurr of the moment thing and im just upset. I know there will always be people like this and there always have been, racism is just another stupid part of this world. It's just that, being grouped as something you are not is really hurtful, and isnt right. Please, let's stop this senseless crap.

(P.S. sorry for the non-game related blog)

Can You Believe I've Only Been Gaming For 3 Years!?

Yes, that's right, i just realized that 2008 marks only my 3rd year as what most of us consider a "hardcore gamer". It marks about my 12th year as a gamer in general, as i was a casual gamer for all the years before 2005. It's time to reminisce into the past yet again, inspired by the blog of lightwarrior179 and my own second blog on Gamespot.



Oh man this is what i call a blurr!! Playing my first video game ever at the age of 5 years old, what is the game? I think it's pretty obvious, Super Mario Bros. of course!!! I vaguely remember holding my cousins rectangular NES gamepad in my hands, intrigued my the game's simplistic addictiveness. At this point i still had no thoughts of owning my own game console, but it was very fun playing the game. From that point forward, i new who Mario was, and was introduced into this world of gaming, as a casual.



So now my cousin's had moved on to the SNES. I remember playing games like Super Mario World, The Lion King, and i few others that i just cant remember. Now playing video games became a relugar thing to do at their house, along with playing with toys. Little did i know that that SNES would become mine in the future...



Can you say N64? Wha? No way!? Yes! This is the system that i have the most memories of playing in the 90's although the SNES remained my favorite, and pretty much still is. My cousin's got the N64 and it was pure awesomeness for the next few years. I mean, LoZ:OoT, SM64, Goldeneye007, DK64, MarioKart64, i mean times were good back then!! I still played SNES at a friends house during these years as well which is when i experienced short bursts of games like Chrono Trigger, Street Fighter, Super Mario All Stars, Mortal Combat, and MarioKart. I also at some point played Gameboy for the first time, with non other than the famous Pokemon series of course. I also tried the PS1 for the first time at my neighbors house, and i was petrified to death by Resident Evil, need i say more? Yet, i was still a casual only playing games maybe once a week if i was lucky. Still no systems that i actually owned sadly.



Lets skip 98 cuz everything stayed the same gaming-wise that year. So here we go, 1999, a HUGE turning point, though i still remained "casual". I moved that year, so as a goodbye gift, my cousins with the N64 gave me their SNES, which i was more than happy to receive. Finally, my own game console!! My most played games on it were Super Mario World, Street Fighter II, Donkey Kong Country, and Megaman X2. Good times indeed, until around the end of the year, my SNES broke, never to work ever again...Luckily for me my new neighbor had a SNES as well, and i still played some of my games over at his house, as well as sweet multiplayer action with MarioKart and Street Fighter. Although i did own a system that year, i still consider that i was casual at the time, since i had no power to actually buy games myself, and i was behind 2 whole generations.



After the whole Y2K BS was over with, there were games. This time in an unexpected form, the PC. PC gaming was a strange thing with me, i had a relatively crappy PC, and i played random games (mostly those games that come in like packs of 10 games for like $20). So yea, not many memorable games but one--> Need For Speed Hot Pursuit 3!! This is one of my most beloved games because it is what i did almost everyday for 1 hour (i was only allowed 1 hour of playing time on school days) and man was it fun. There was still teh SNES at my neighbors house but i cant be there all day, so NFS was my savior from much boredom. Of course there were...umm...other not-so-legally acquired games through the PC if you catch my drift. But yea, good times.



Well it's time to be introduced to the new generation!! I got to play the PS2 and GC both equally. PS2 at my friend's and GC at my cousin's. They were both tons of fun to play although i admit at the time GC was alot funner, especially multiplayer. I remember playing games like Tenchu, Soul Caliber 2, and NFS on PS2, and games like Super Smash, 007, and Metroid on GC. This is when i really started to become jealous of gamers with consoles, i was still playing on my PC but it really wasn't enough. I needed more!! Still casual though...

Everytime i saw a gamer with a current gen console i felt like i was looking at something like this.



Somewhere in here there was the introduction to the Xbox and Dreamcast. I remember Shenmue on both the Xbox and Dreamcast, as well as Sonic. And of course, i remember the Halo craze, and seeing it for the first time at a friend's party. I really found it to be a weird game when i first saw it, and i didn't have fun with it. And so, i forever suck at Halo. That was the last i saw of the Dreamcast fro quite some time, and the Xbox continued to rear it's ugly shell. I mean, come on, the system was pretty ugly. Also game boy advance, almost forgot, i played that somewhere around here as well. Pretty slow year, still being a casual.


Yes, we have reached the final year as a casual gamer, it is almost over, or just beginning? I grew impatient, tired, and most importantly, bored as ****!! So around october, near my birthday, i convinced my mom to buy me a very influencial system, a PS1. To be honest i went to the game store looking for an N64, but as fate would have it, they were sold out, and there was one PS1 left. I remember my skool friends talking about some "Final Fantasy" game series and how it was the greatest thing ever conceived by man, and well, i was interested. So that day that i bought the PS1, i looked up at the games behind the glass counter, and looked hard for something with the name "Final" in it...and there it was, the most influential game of my life, Final Fantasy VII. The game seriously had some sort of crazy aura when i looked at it, it pretty much stood out from the rest of the games. So i told the cashier i wanted that game, and i also picked up Megaman X4 since i loved megaman games at that time. And so i went home proudly, finally bringing home my first brand new console. Being that it was a generation behind, and i bought no more games for the system, lets consider me casual still.

I seriously had no idea what i was getting into, i knew absolutely nothing about the game, not even that it was an RPG, which made the whole thing that much sweeter.



WHOA!! I just finished having one of the most mind blowing experiences ever when i finished FFVII!! It was jaw dropping holy hell i couldn't contain myself! I really was going crazy, i even started wacthing channels like G4TV and going on the web to gain more and more knowledge about the gaming world. This is when i was actually interested in getting more games, because once i played FFVII, i wondered..."What if there are even better games?". And that led me to getting a GameCube at the beginning of the year, as it was the cheapest console around at $99. It came with MarioKart Double Dash and i bought Metroid Prime 2 not long after. Both of these games blew me away in the level of sheer fun, and i couldn't be happier. I played games like LoZWW, SSBM, RE4, the works!! The thing is, everywhere i looked, there were PS2 ads, all my friends had PS2, and everyone was always criticising the poor little Cube. But i couldn't give in, so i just continued playing my Cube. But then later on in my birthday that year, i got a PS2!! I was like WOAH!! 2 Current gen systems!!!! A was so very happy, and played games like MGS2, FFX, Socom, and more. Gaming finally became a real hobbie that year, finally i was keeping track of gaming news and buying my own games, finally, i was a "hardcore" gamer. This was year 1 of official gaming, there was alot of catching up to do.

Ok wait wait...NOT THAT HARDCORE!!! :P



Oh say looky here, the year i joined GameSpot!! So why join GS you ask? Well, i used to site alot before, just for gaming updates and a few things here and there, like to look at the "top rated" list that GS has. (Thank God i dont use that list anymore today). But yea, i eventually gave in around December time, and made an account. I remember at first, it was so funny, i used to make the most inexperienced posts, and useless comments. But i was busy gaming that year, still catching up, and learning the ways of gaming. No new systems, just pure gaming at its finest. I admit i pretty much ignored the GC this year, it was a huge PS2 year for me, with so many games at cheap prices, i couldn't resist!! Oh and yea, i played the the same cousin's house that had the N64 and GC :P

Yea...i joined this place :|



Year 3 of hardcore gaming begins!! And you guys were along for the ride. You guys know what games i played but quick re-cap. I got a PSP and DS this year, my first real portables (my bro had GBA before), ever increasing my hardcoreness :x. Played my 2nd favorite game of all time--> God of War II. I spent this year pondering about "next gen" more than anything, and you all know how that turned out. Probably my greatest year in gaming now that i think about it, even though thats only out of 3 years :P I wish there was more to say but you guys practically were there for the ride. Oh, right, my official return into PC gaming with my new PC!!!! Games include Battlefield 2 and CSS, and many more in the future!! :D

And so the evolution continues...GoW FTW!!



So we are finally here, 2008. I went through so much in what seems like 3 short years. To have played through the GC, PS2, introduce myself to the PSP, DS, and PC was alot to do. Always being dragged away from what was "current gen". But finally, i have a Wii, im happy with it, yes i do consider it in the same league with 360 and PS3 (in terms of generation). I just still cant believe its only been 3 years...only 3, that I've considered gaming a true part of my everyday life. It's pretty funny actually. Me talking to people, recommending games, writing 44 reviews, and with relatively so little experience compared to everyone else. It's been very fun to say the least, and i hope it continues for many years to come. The years already gotten to a great start, with mainly 3 great games--> MarioKart DS, Super Mario Galaxy, and Metroid Prime 3 (yes i was tough in my review but i still consider it a good game). My big Nintendo-concentrated year has begun, time to see where it goes.


The Double Meaning-

And so, to those who actually stuck around to read all that, or those who skipped down here ( :evil: ) I have something to say. The double meaning of the name "finalfan". Many of you associate it with the final fantasy games. What many people dont realize is that i dont have much experience with the series, other than VII, X, X-2, and DoC. Sure, i get the name mainly from my favorite game ever, Final Fantasy VII, but, did anyone ever look deeper than that? Well let's just say that i pretty much consider myself the "final" "fan" of video games. It took me so long to finally get into them after so many years of being denied them from my parents, and the fact that i had no money of my own. So i am the final fanatic of video games, as well as a fan of final fantasy.

Double Meanings Rock 8)

Metroid Prime 3: Corruption Review

Ok so yea my Metroid Prime 3: Corruption Review is up. And yea, i gave it an 8.2. I cant agree with everyone all the time and to all the people giving this game 9's, i cant really agree with you. Well please check out the review and recommend/ not recommend my review. Note: In this review, i was comparing the game to the previous 2 Prime games, and FYI i enjoyed the first 2 Prime games much more than this one. Once i got passed the "Ohhh cool!!" of using the Wii controls, everything else felt too easy and too average. But yea thats just my take on MP3 and i don't think many people agree with me. Plus, 8.2 isnt that bad of a score :|


In other news I came in 2nd place in the MarioKartDS tournament in The Warp Pipe ;) We were all defeated by the great yoshi_64 :P But yea it was all fun and if anyone ever wants to play me my friend code is up in my blog header. Also dont forget about my Wii number which is in the Online ID's section of my profile, somewhere over there:arrow:


Finally, expect the next game i review to get a higher rating, because the game is Counter-Strike: Source. I plan on spending the next week playing alot of CSS so if anyone has this game and has STEAM, let me know. I'll give you my STEAM I.D. and we'll get to killing :P Expect a review around next saturday.

Well im gonna be gone for a portion of the day and its about 8 A.M. right now. Busy saturday. Peace 8)

P.S. Today marks a Month that i've had my Wii!! And what a great start to the system i've had already :D No regrets buying it what-so-ever.

MarioKart DS Tournament

Please bare with me as this is the first union advertisement that i have done in a while.

The Warp Pipe, a fantastic Nintendo based union is having a tournament tomorrow (Friday, Febuary 1st) at 7P.M. EST. If anyone is interested join up, because i will be playing as well ;) After you have joined, be sure that you have shared your Mario Kart DS friend code here, and have signed up for the tournament here. Without submitting your friend code or signing up you can't participate. So, i hope to see some familiar faces over at the union and i hope to whoop yo butts at Mario Kart :P Please, take that as a threat :twisted:


On a side note...i have been feeling a sense of depression/stress lately. With the final year of high school coming to an end you would expect me to be happy. But with my friend's leave and now the fact that everyone in my school is talking about prom, i feel pressured and without energy. I mean, with all the college apps i completely forgot about Prom, and i am sorely unprepared. I have no money, neither does my mom, to pay for a limo. So if i go it'll be by taxi. Ok, that i can deal with. But then also there's the whole problem that i have to get a date. I mean, i have alot of friends that are girls, they think im cute, and i like them, but i can't help but feel that they look at me as the funny guy, that they would never really take seriously. Girls have never taken me very seriously:|. And with all of the girls preparing for prom, i bet they all have their eyes on certain guys waiting for them to ask them, and im not one of them most likely. But then even IF i get a date, i have an over-protective mom, so i won't even be able to go to the after party that lasts till 6A.M. Then the next day after prom everyone goes to the beach for 2 days and parties/gets drunk. If my mom wont let me go to the after party i definitely can't go away over the weekend. And it's not like i let my mom take over my life, it's that i live without a father, and my mom works very hard to support me and my brother, so doing something against her would just be disrespectful. How i've managed to party before? That's all thanks to my cousins, when i go away to their house and my mom has no idea what we do :roll: Either way im going away for college, ill do the rest of my partying there...

But back to this prom crap, im thinking i may not even go. I mean, money is an issue, girls are an issue, and my mom is an issue. So im wondering...i have a question to those guys/girls who has missed out on their you regret it? And for those who went by themselves without a date, was it fun anyway? Finally, is prom worth going to without the after party?


So yea please play MarioKart if you have the game and the time tomorrow. Hopefully ill decide about prom soon, because every else is already getting prepared for it and if i go then hopefully i won't be left behind. Also i feel ive been blogging a bit too much lately, so i'll see you guys around.


When You Lose A Gamer Friend...

Life sucks :| My pal is moving away out of state and he was a pretty cool dude. This guy was an all around awesome gamer. I mean he was a fellow God of War fanatic, he was kick @$$ at Gears of War and Halo...Street Fighter, Guitar Hero, Super Smash Brothers Melee, the list goes on of the games that we used to play together. And it's too bad too cuz we were expecting to play Brawl together since last year, but then delays and more delays prevented that from ever happening. Kinda sucks. This would be a good moment to own a 360 with LIVE, as he is an Xbox gamer. Man it would have been awesome if he had stayed but people gotta move on i guess. I suppose it's different when people you are close to are actually gamers. There are so many memories with so many different games, this is why i love offline multiplayer so much. The priceless memories that these games create that could not ever be recreated online or by a single player game. Man, games are great...and now i have 1 less friend to play them with :( There are other people, but it's not the same man! lol I have no one's house to play 360 at anymore :cry: I'm gonna miss the 360...well, there's always my cousins house and other people who im not that close to...but still. My other close friend is a PS3 gamer and the other one is a PC gamer. LOL dont think for a second i only think of friends for games though :P But many memories...

I helped hime pack up today and even to the last second the dude was holding on to his 360...until we finally said...peace.

Good bye fellow gamer friend, maybe we'll play some games again one day...


Anyway im tired from helping him pack, i've played no games today and am getting sleepy, so yea...

It's funny how in my last blog i said please no more Brawl spoilers and now i actually see more of them than before :|

This is the highest level of Blasphematism...

This is my new law of hype...more hype = more haters.

So stop the hype or else all we're gonna hear about is people thinking this game's gonna flop, which wasn't the case before.

And to those of you who get the CD to unlock the regions and order the japanese version of Brawl i say to thee: SHUT THE HELL UP AND DONT TELL ANYONE ANYTHING!! Please :)


So yea damn it now i have lost the only friend that was real competetion for me in fact he was the #1 smash player in my town...the hunt begins for new challengers :twisted:

*searches town for smash players that can do more than throw bombs*

For the Love Of God Could We Stop It With The Brawl Spoilers...PLEASE :)

These spoilers and leaked information are starting to annoy me. Not that it's a bad thing but the game is over a month away from a release in the states, and i rather keep everything as a surprise. Just to let you know that from now on if anyone's blog has to do with Brawl i will be avoiding it. I dont like to hype up games to the point that i know everything before i buy it, no fun in that really. So please, could we cool it down with the Brawl stuff, just a bit? BTW this also gives another reason for Brawl haters to say that we are all over-hyping this game :| Ahh but the bigger something is the more haters i suppose. Meh.

Game Progress-

MP3- Well now im on a scavenger hunt for power cells or w/e, and its pissing me off cuz its really slowing down the ending of the game. I mean i love Metroid, but this game has been a slight dissapointment. As an action game it's amazing, as a Metroid game...ehh not so much. The puzzles in this game are at a minimum and they are ridiculously easy, so easy that i probably didn't even notice that they were puzzles :| The best part of the game are the controls and the boss fights. The worst part are the easy puzzles which adds to the overall easiness of the game, and the loss of that "Metroid feeling" of isolation and adventure.

My prereview:

Gameplay- 8/10

Graphics- 9/10

Sound- 8/10

Value- 8/10

Story- 8/10

Overall Prereview Score- 8.2

So to some it up so far i think it's a great game if you look at it from an action standpoint but it's a dissapointment to Metroid fans and what the Metroid series has previously established.

NOTE: In no way does this prereview reflect my final score, as this is based on what i have played so far, which is pretty close to the end i believe. If the ending is so good that it's worth playing this game, then the score may go up. We will see.

The Legend of Zelda Oracle of Seasons: I am Unstuck!! :D More on that later...

Also my deepest apologies for not responding to posts...i have school on the weekdays so i cant really find time to reply. I can pretty much only find time to post in your blogs and a couple of unions. I hope you all understand that i am not ignoring you guys, i have read all your comments and i appreciate them :)

Meanwhile back at the ranch...

[spoiler] Wind Waker Link is in Brawl yay!! [/spoiler] Ok last spoiler i promise, no more!! (BTW i mention this spoiler cuz i think its my favorite thing that has been leaked recently)

So more Brawl Spoilers...i dont want to become like this guy

And if you do spoil something for me then well...

I think ya gets the pictcha :evil:

Old Skool Games Are Tough Cookies!!

And i like cookies :|

But man im playing The Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Seasons for the Game Boy Color, and i suck!! Well, i actually like the challenge because every Zelda game ive played has been too easy (maybe not OoT). But yea...does anyone recall what to do when you get the egg towards the beginning of the game? Because i have wandered far and wide and have come up with nothing. I saw the shadow of the bird in the sky and what-not but im lost.

Old games are tough man, or are games today too easy?

Or maybe i utterly suck :|