[QUOTE="Shirokishi_"] It is kinda dissapointing. The CGI blew me away and since its a game thats been in developement for 12 years youd think it would look pretty damn great. Its a good looking game but really Blizzard?
Blizzard has never been one to push the boundaries of graphics. They try to make sure everyone gets to play the game.
Fair enought but better graphical options couldve been made. Im mean Im not saying the game should look like Crysis but it certainly looks dated.
diaFlop3 is just a $60 DLC,,, whats worse PC gamers are all over it
Black Ops 2 was only revealed few days ago and the trailer has over 17Million views to date while Halo4 trailer from last year reveal a game that is coming out only a week away from Black Ops barely made it to 2Million views
Call of Duty trailerhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x3tedlWs1XY
Call of Duty is a big franchise that sells big on both the PlayStation3 and Xbox360,,, thissuccess does not only benefit Activision but also both Sony and MS.
Assume each copy sold on both platforms $10 goes to sony and MS
MW3 sells 12 Million on PS3 ( $10 to Sony for each copy sold on PS3 accumulate to $120,000,000 to sony )
MW3 sells 14 Million on Xbox360 ( $10 to MS for each copy sold on xbox360 accumulate to $140,000,000 to MS )
Mw3 sells 5 copies on PC not even worth mentioning
Call of Duty is a good thing for the gaming industry.
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