dude what the hell is wrong with you...what is abnormal about an American in the 21st century stating an opinion of a game he bought...don't hate the player dude...hate the game....and in this case its ME 2 you son of a bun..
fire_birdn99's forum posts
you can say that ...thats what Bioware says..or Action Rpg is what they say..but which is more present...Shotter definitely!..I say completely! you must believe me man
you know ..the color of the menu is Red in Mass effect 2,...though it such a small thing...I actually like blue better...haha,...how many ppl like blue better?....Either way whats wrong in letting us pick our color...I don't like Red :(....:D
I don't think Bioware has completely lost their touch, or far from it rather.
But EA becoming the parent company I think has definitely impacted their development, as you see in Mass Effect 2 you have it more shooter oriented, trying to appeal to the main stream genre , and while people may say they just went and corrected what people don't like about the first game.I think it might be different, and that EA might of maybe forced Bioware to make some decisions it wouldn't have?...They should have just stuck with Microsoft, or went indie...I don't like big monopoly type companies *cough* EA! Its in the Game!...No it's not.!
I know Bioware is an RPG company, but that doesn't change the fact that ME 2 has serious shooter elements in it..
What do you guys think?...Is it more shooter or Rpg, and why?
I personally think the first one had a more RPG appeal to it...with all the level ups and Inventory which gave it a rpg feel, while in ME 2...when you are dying,,your screen gets red, and now its more shooter oriented...
I just felt that the blue menu screen gave it more of a friendlier, and futuristic as well as pleasant look than the red one..in Mass effect 2 ..THey should have atleast put the option to change that...What are they going to do next time for ME 3 ..green?
This game destroyed almost everything that made the first game so good...Here is a summary from this site
When a really good sequel comes out, like say, Ghostbusters 2 , Speed 2, or Transformers 2, people often forget the original inspiration that made the series great.
In this case, the ground breaking excellence of Mass Effect is getting lost in this swirl of unrestrained, hysterical gushing over the sequel. These aren't legitimate reviews we're reading of Mass Effect2; we are reading a tween girl's review of a Jonas Brothers concert on her blog. In short, it's embarrassing.
People have forgotten what made Mass Effect such a great game, but I'm here to remind you.
And no, it doesn't involve mining.
The original entry in the series, while being partially a shooter, is at its heart, a role playing game. This is almost completely erased in the sequel. Old reliable aspects of RPGs, such as searching for loot, are almost completely gone. Experience points are plentiful in ME, and as such you level up more often, not just when some douche with a cigarette decides the mission is over. Getting XP for each enemy killed and for exploring everything for your codex (and more XP) was a tremendous joy and for some unknown reason BioWare has deprived us of this joy.
Speaking of which, BioWare seemed hell-bent on turning the Mass Effect series into a balls-out shooter that dudes in frat houses could enjoy. Thus, the combat system was both slowed downed and dumb downed. While the actual fighting in ME does not flow as melodiously as in the sequel, the thoughtful, slow combat system in the original game is more strategic and less like other games we've already played. (*Cough*GearsofWar*Cough*)
In the original game, the ability to use multiple powers without waiting for them to all recharge at once only added to this strategy. In ME2, if you charge your barrier, you have to wait to use pull, while in the first game you could use many powers in a row, offsetting the combat weakness of the Adept and Engineer ****s. Oh, and did I mention that you could actually duck in the original game? That was useful.
Space travel in the original game also represents a better model than ME2. In the premiere game, you just pick the area of the traverse you want to go to and BOOM you're there. In ME2, you may have to stop at a fuel depot? Really? My multiquadrillion credit space ship, run by the uber-powerful Cerberus Corporation needs to pause at an interstellar truck stop every once in a while? Worst of all is the cheesy, little version of the Normandy that you navigate around. The Mako may be silly, but at least it's not this miniature craft from a random '80s game on the Atari 2600.
ME also had a manageable number of characters. In fact, in a single play through, you could actually use each one of the characters for a significant amount of time. ME2 simply has too many characters that you will probably never use, and very few that you'll actually get to know. BioWare's character development is legendary and ME2 doesn't do it justice with the misguided mantra that "more is more." There are too many characters, and the player never has sufficient time to get to know any of them well enough.
Driving the Mako around, while ridiculous, is about 15 times more fun than Mining in ME2. Don't even try to disagree with that. You're lying to me, you're lying to yourself, and you're making your mother cry. Stop it. Mining in ME2 is a terrible, terrible idea and how it slipped past BioWare's quality control will forever remain a mystery.
The Flagship of the series clearly has a better villain – Admit it: Saren kicks the crap out of the Collectors. Sure, we all know the Reapers are behind everything, but these bug people are your main antagonist throughout the majority of the sequel. Saren had personality. He was a dick, and you wanted to take him down. I'm fairly confident that gamers did not have the same feeling toward the Collectors. I know I didn't. I didn't really care. I just wanted to finish the game and hopefully get it on with every possible female crew member. (Thane is also very handsome.)
While in some ways ME2 seems bigger, ME feels more like an open world to explore. The Traverse in general seems to open up with endless mission in the original, while the missions in ME2 feel compartmentalized, linear and directed. Quite often in ME when you fly into a new system, Admiral Hackett will call on you for an extra mission. Again, this leads to the creation of a universe that seems more open and massive. Even the dreaded elevators in the original game not only serve to mask loading time, they also allow you to hear announcements that were often directly entered into your codex for additional side quests.
In ME2 you are on a clear path from the very beginning of the game, and for those of us that enjoyed the open world RPG aspect of the original, this is very disappointing. Even an area like the Citadel, which was an amazing place to explore in the first game, has become constricted and goal-oriented in the second game.
Defeating ME feels like a real accomplishment. Saren is vanquished, you've proven the galaxy wrong about a human Spectre, and the Reapers have been repelled for the time being. In stark contrast, too much of ME2 is building up to a payoff that never comes. You spend the entire game hunting for the ridiculously large team that you assemble for one final mission that takes about twenty minutes. Twenty hours of going from planet to planet, finding allies and gaining their loyalty, just for one relatively short mission?
ME, on the other hand, has three main missions (all of which feel very important and unique), and one amazingly well constructed sequence on Virmire involving a nuke and the loss of possibly two crew members. Finally, the game leads you to Ilos and a game changing twist that leaves you fighting for your survival (and the survival of all living creatures) as the Citadel burns around you. It is epic in every way that the ending to ME2 wasn't.
Finally, the level design and combat mechanic suffer from an extreme case of "Cliffy B Syndrome," that is to say, it's too much like Gears of War. Not only is the cover system strikingly similar, the landscape of every area is deformed by an unnatural occurrence of chest-high barricades behind which you can take cover. No fight is ever a surprise in ME2. Instead, you always know there's a fight coming when you see a bunch of random objects that look like they're about the right height to crouch behind.
The counter-argument here is simple and I'm not sure how to address it: Mass Effect2 is almost uniformly more fun to play, especially during combat situations. Admittedly, this is a pretty big deal. However, what BioWare has taken out of the Mass Effect franchise should not be forgotten. I won't forget it as I play through the original for the eighth time."
Quote in MLA format...
Link is at sarcastic gamer mass effect better than mass effect 2...i dont know if i should put a link
Things I PERSONALLY thought were missing from MAss effect 2 that detracted from my experience were:
!) The Blue menu screen which i like better than the red one
2) The text in ME 2 is too small at times and you can't read..ME 1 had no problems i think
3) The codex and xp collection which was my favorite in the last game..oh the fun of just finding some xp points or codex and listening to it..from that awesome computer voiced guy in the Primary codex thing, though the voice return ...the way you collect xp is boggled down
4) Your characters and the story isn't that interesting so far...i just started the game but im not into it at all...What happened to the saving the world party after Sovereign's defeat,,I felt as cold as ever meeting my team mates again*Spoiler
Garrus and Tali I met them ...and they were like.."oh...shepherd..your alive..i thought you were dead,...and right now I just feel ilke kiling my self.so no more typing
Too Human had insane potential.A few design decisions made this game seem what it is.But Too Human is a solid 8.6/10 for me.
Only Cons : Cutscenes,cheesy dialogue,Cyberspace (awesome concept but fail)....
PROS: Innovative Camera system not bad at all,Dual analog action fun but could of used more combos,story(norse myths awesome),epic loot and customisation,online co-op
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