In the first post..I meant the xbox 360 doesnt have any good games coming up so far...and in the second i said that it has the potential just like any other console,and can deliver top notch games!
These consoles have only began ....i cant wait to see the true potential of these consoles....but the games do play a major part.I cant wait to see how games use the motion sensing of the wii and ps3.THERES ALSO THIS RUMOR OF THE XBOX COMING UP WITH A NEW XBOX MOTION SENSING THING..ANOTHER REASON.WHY THE X360 STANDS OUT TO ME!!!
I know this might not be the place to keep this..but anyway the Xbox 360 has awesome games coming up like Halo 3,forza 2,mass effect,too human,pgr4,dmc 4,re5,mgs4(maybe),bioshock,geow2...and so many more.The ps3 is hopeless as of now...has no good release dates which are only exclusive to the ps3.The wii also has games but only 3 good games(my opinion)ssbb,super mario galaxy,and metroid what do ya'll think?...No offence to any fanboys or anything!
Some guy sakaguchi..the guy who made blue dragon and final fantasy series left square soft..and started his own company mistwalker...his last game was ffVII and then now blue dragon.He also made the FF MOVIE which the company lost major money in...thats why they fired him or he left.dunno.....since then final fantasy games havent been so great....Mr.Sakaguchi is working on blue dragon and lost odyssey.............cant wait!!
Are demos free on xbox live?Is it worth it?....I mean should i get it or not?...What are its features apart from online play...How mucch are those microsodt points which i need to download any stuff?....Post your thoughts,comments,etc down below.I already have a i need xbox live just for online play???
I want to buy a shooting gane for the 360 but dont know which one...Im buying halo 2....and something with a long single player..and maybe some co-op..I like rpg's kameo good.....and dont say gears of war....because i already have that game...okay...and i also have oblivion...
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