I love my job.
I mean, really. Love. My. Job. Not only do I get to sell people games that can entertain for hours on end, but I get to act like a kid in a candy store every day. But of course, I'm preaching to the choir right now. It's also fantastic as I have been brought into the current generation of consoles.
Back in February I recieved my own Xbox 360 courtesy of my workplace and I have fallen in love with the immense amount of features and games I had been messing with. However, this has had an adverse effect on my playing habits. If you were to look at my achievments you'll see I've 100%ed two titles, Assassin's Creed and SW: The Force Unleashed. Before hand, there are some achievments I never would've attempted, such as TFU's cheevo that has you moving an orb and not having it turn red. I'm playing all aspects of a game and working to meet special conditions to increase a special number that, in the end, has no purpose.
And I love it.
It's so rewarding to get confirmation and show-off to people saying "Yea, I got a 300 streak on expert difficulty in DJ Hero. Wikka-wikka." And feel like I'm part of an elite group knowing it's one of the harder cheevos to obtain.
Have any of you noticed this in your playing habits? Working to 100% a game just to boast? Do you now play EVERY game mode or play a game more than you would've?
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