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firebubbles Blog

International Law was a bad class to take....

This semester I am in International Law, the class is amazing and extremely interesting. We learn about treaty law, customary law, humanitarian law, environmental law etc. It is just amazing.

The only problem is now I despise America so much more than I did before. We have learned about all the laws that America has broken since 9-11. Learned about the stupid reservations that America makes on treaties by holding it next to the Constitution and if the treaty does anything above and beyond it, well then America refuses to do it... (like taking reservation to the death penalty for children in the treaty rights of the child, everyone else signed to stop it and the US said since the constitution didn't say that we couldn't put children to death then we couldn't sign that part) gah!!!! and I am reading a book about Guantanamo Bay which makes me even more angry, and once I finish the book you all will probably get an entire blog rant.

This class just makes me more and more ashamed to be an American I hate to say. We think we are so moral and just, but we aren't. So I have looked at other countries nationalizaion laws. I was thinking Canada, but New Zealand or even Sweden would be ok. Japan is looking good too...

Time will only tell though, maybe a new admin will give me a better outlook on Amierica, and if not I guess I will be doing grad work abroad and staying there.

New College Name: Warning from a very Bitter Student

Ok, I just got back from the naming of the college. We are going co-ed, so we can no longer be called Randolph Macon Women's College, so instead they took three months to decide on a new on and announce it 48 hours before exams start...

The new name is:
Randolph College

Really, what kind of name is that. We now sound like a bad tasting cola (RC)... The Admins didn't know what they were talking about when they announced the change, they didn't know the vote, they said it was unanimous, but in the press conference for the press they suddenly weren't sure. And they were happy about being to name our school since men named it the first time... hello you just took the middle half of the name out!!!!

*sighs* and not only that we were lied to. we were told that they wouldn't accept transfers of guys this year, and now next semester we are getting something like 17 guys... *sighs* i don't know where they will live since all the halls are girls only.

I am really thinking of transfering now.

end of the semester

yay!!! *happy dance* i have two more days of classes. wait i have two more days of classes... *hangs head* i have too much work for there only to be two days of classes left! too much work!!! well anyways. almost finished my first semester of sophomore year in college. and while the semester has been interesting i will nonetheless be happy to be leaving here for a month.

well as i said in an earlier blog my college is officially going co-ed next fall. they have picked a name and decided to release it on the day before exams start! smart huh? i guess they want us all to get so mad about the name that we fail and don't have the grades to transfer... teh conspiracy!

*shifty eyes* no i haven't had too much caffeine today at all... well off to finish more work and try and get some sleep, after all if don't get sleep then i won't ever get over this cold, enjoy the rest of your week. i won't but i hope you do. *waves*

Going Home

I am going home. I have one more class until Thanksgiving Break starts!!! *happy dance* Thank the gods I can't wait to be back in DC and away from this "city" Lynchburg. Four full days of no classes and no evil ******* from my school. I hate those stuck up people. And when I get home.... videogames!!! *happier dance*

Now I just have to pack and clean up and get ready for class. So you all enjoy the rest of your day and the next time I am posting I will be back in DC.



i just got done registering for classes next semester! Here is my list of classes...

EVST 102- Intro Enviro Study II
PHYS 176- Physical Geology
PHYS 176L- Physical Geology Lab
EVST 202- Environmental Policy
POL 330- International Law
CHEM 106- Gen Chem II
CHEM 106L- Gen Chem II Lab
PED 104- Running, hey it was either that or ballet and there was no way they were getting me into tights and a leotard...

And hey look no Russian, I like my schedule and I got all the classes I wanted. No fighting necessary. And next semester should be easy since they are all basically 100 classes, yeah i was lazy... but they are all prereqs for major requirements so meh.

just need to get through the rest of this week and i'll be golden. except my computer ate two of my files which i now must go retypre. *waves*

Best Lecture Ever

I went to the best lecture ever last night... seriously Richard Dawkins is the most amusing and engaging lecturer brought to campus. He was promoting his new book "The God Delusion," which I got a signed copy of, and it is really good. It talks about how we don't get our morals from the bible and so on.

The best part of the lecture has to be the Q&A. People from Liberty University came to listen and kept trying to convert him or prove to him god does exist. (LU is the christian college near my school, definetly freaky. they have a bio major that doesn't teach evolution... go figure.) This one kid felt insulted by his talk, and Dawkins calmly answered "I didn't insult you, I insulted God." I was laughing for like five minutes. He also went on to say that LU should never have been accreditted, which was also amusing. He also talked about how politicians shouldn't have to hide being atheist, which I totally agree. An atheist has just as much trouble getting into office as a homosexual it would seem.

Atheists are not immoral or evil. They do not committ crimes just because they do not pray, cross themselves and take sacrament. You do not learn morals from religion, which is a good thing becasue the bible has a lot of places promoting the death penalty for stupid things, like working on Sabbath or ethnic cleansing with the Battle of Jerico.

If you get the chance read this book or any other book by Richard Dawkins. I also suggest "Letter to a Christian Nation" by Sam Harris. Peace Out

Fall Break!!!

Fall Break has begun. Woot! I survived my midterms and papers all with decent to excellent grades!!! yay! Along with that happy information, I get my dorm suite to myself for four whole days. I don't have to deal with people besides on the internet for four days. This is heaven, of course come Wednesday it will be **** again, but meh, it's worth it. Already looking forward to final exams....

It is weird now that my college is going co-ed and people have calmed down about it(well except for the law suits, but that is another tale), there are a lot of guys who are applying. It is weird. I didn't really think guys would seriously wanna come, I thought they'd come visit, but I didn't think they'd actually apply and go through with it. Next fall will certainly be interesting. Glad I will be in Kenya.

My little brother is the best!!!!

I love my little brother jumbo!
He made me a bunches of pretty things to put on gs! *hugs* I just gotta figure out how to make them work *sighs and hangs head* Yes I realize I am an idiot. But thankies again David! You are amazing little brother and good luck in PA when you go. Feel better!

Warning: the rest of this blog is being written on way too much caffeine and sleep deprivation. Just a little heads up.....

I dropped Russian! I dropped Russian! *happy dances* No more evil professor to torture me. Well at least this semester. Next I am taking it again, but I honestly needed a break. So now I am basically in all math and science classes! Finally a schedule I can enjoy. It is so nice not to worry about having to read like ten pages in Russian a night, translate and watch a movie in Russian and answer like 100 questions (I am not exageratting sadly) I have time to study more intersting things, like water and air pollution. (i am an environmentalist.... one of those crazy annoying ones you usually want to stab...)

Now that I have ranted for far too long and made no sense whatsoever. I bid you all good night and I thank my brother again.

Strike Update and Randomness

Day Eight of the Strike:

It is the eight of our strike to try and reverse the decision of the Board to g oco-ed. The strike has lost much of its support, possible because of the harrassment the upperclassmen have subjected much of the younger classmen to. Sadly I think many people have accepted the Board's decision and have now moved on. Classes are full or almost full again and the college seems to returned to its normal operation. Even though the campus is still papered with our cries of reversal, I seriously do not see that decision coming to pass. I see an end to an era of Randolph Macon Women's College and the emphasis on excellence in women's education. I know the college that opens its doors next September will be very different than the college I applied. Classes and emphasis on women will no longer be in the curriculum I fear and we are doomed to become yet another private school in Virginia.

In happier news, I have once again started writing my TV show which has been in the back of my mind since last year. Hopefully I will make more progress than my episode summaries and I will complete an episode! I gave it up when my file was lost, but thankfully there was a copy still on my drive at school. It wasn't the most recent but not all is lost. I will hopefully keep random updates for anyone who cares.

Have a great week!


Day Three of Strike....

My college is on its third day of strike over the decsion to go co-ed. Other college students in the area are coming and sitting with us as well, which I thought was awesome. Sadly though, it is not so great anymore. Upperclassmen are pressuring the first years into participating whether they want to or not. They want us to strike other things on campus, like the dining hall, but won't tell us why. (the strike organizers) One of the places they want to strike is a little unfair because the woman who runs it kept the place from closing over the summer. *sighs* Well I am back to classes because I got tired of not being told why we were doing all that we are, that and I got insulted by some of the more excited strikers because I refused to sleep outside in the rain. Hopefully things will calm down so things will get back to normal on this campus. Things are too drama filled right now. Hope you all are having a better week.
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