@aross2004: the files sizes are way way to small to be true 4k. 4k file sizes are very very large. really look up how large raw 4k is. my dslr camera alone(have other for 4k video) but it takes 4k images and just 35 images are 1.5gb the raw 35 images are the 1gb and the .5 is for jpeg fine. really unless you mess with 4k dont trust sites or anything. their a difference between it out putting to display at 4k and the 4k asset themselves. . seeing you can say this video is running at 4k. but it was only film in 720p.
@runstalker: yeah my guess none compress textures . again should note the same apply to pc. on using higher end textures. but not 4k texture. ahead of what you say. do you shoot or edit 4k ?
get the sniper and boomer first. makes the support much easier. also for what ever reason the upgrades weapons area is some what hidden and seem not to pop up the option some times. for the first 3 hours . last how the hell do i do bobble heads in car
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