i think most people world rather have a console that does not rrod or yrod(for ps3 owner) i dont mind waiting a year for them to get a console that does not break within 2 year period
another thing i notice is amount of wastfull spending with dev a video game from any studio. i am sorry but really from one point they spend way to dam much money. if a tiny dev can make a successfull game with a normal budget( not 200 mill). and another key factor on some of this games making it or breaking it is dam bug testing. out source it to fans for the love of god. case in point diablo 3 a game crashing bug and a ton of online(to play ) issue. this is from the people that dev solid almost no big issue bugged game.
yeah. this is not a issue with new new password with a different combo of words/numbers this is a back end system breach and they dont want to say about it
most of this is wrong for one reason. make it cheaper for the dev of games and apps to make their content. then it able to be pass onto the customer. the cpu need for next gen are really not the issue. it amount of threads it can handle and also more cache on it. biggest thing they need to do i add much more ram and a better gpu with a good amount of ram .
firedrakes' comments