fireforge_basic's forum posts
Two things to say, everyone always compares things to the big boy on the block. If a new shooter comes out who does everyone instantly compare the graphics to? Crysis right? Just like everyone compares all mmorpgs to WOW.
Second MMorpg's have not reached there full potential.
I think everyone who first tries an mmo, their minds just boggle at the possibilities. A thousand ideas of what could be possible in an MMORPG.
Large battles, A game where your decisions matter. A game where you are part of a world that changes little by little like a story unfolding. Wow has none of this really, you can not change the gaming world.
It is not that WOW is bad it is pretty good but it is static of a world. However, it is the cleanest, most populated, easy to get into mmorpg but people yearn for what is possible in an on-line world. it is just no-one can deliver yet. However, if someone figures out a way people will drop Wow just like people dropped EQ to go to wow.
you probly have agp or pci you kinda have to figure that out. Maybe call your manufacture or open up and look.
my bad I was confused I was just talkign about this.
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