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I'm back in action and ready to go! Put me in coach, put me in. + Shippuden!

So I FINALLY got my internet working. Lol, well I actually didn't do anything. The cable wire became exposed through weather and had become unearthed and it somehow got sliced or cut badly enough that it didn't work. So the guy came back the 2nd time and this guy listened to me and replaced the cable instead of trying to fix it on the computer like the first nincompoop. (idk where I got that work :lol:).

Anywho. I'm back at last. Thanks to everyone for commenting even though I couldn't reciprocate. Thanks for the good wishes and Merry Christmas to all! Now for my IMO on the new Shippuden in which basically nothing happened.....

- Lol. Kabuto got so owned. He should have been more injured than that. Sry, Scatha but I thought that was funny as hell.

- I think Oro is too over-confident. I guess we'll see.

- Poor Sakura got hit and then that b@stard Sai just ditches her.....his real mission eh. The plot thickens, lol.

- When Tsunade first said Yamato had the 1st's DNA I was like her brother or something? Her long lost son? Lol. Then they said later and I was like oh, wow, that kinda sucks but at least he lived....

- So..................Orochimaru can asexually reproduce. I mean c'mon the dude was creepy enough as it was.

- I think they made the animation for Naruto becoming three tails way too long. In the Jiraiya flashback it just happened. In this one it took like 4 minutes. Maybe that was to signify more power...idk.

- He does look pretty cool as 4 tails though. When Jiraiya said mini-version of the Kyuubi he was dead on.

- Last thing: Hellgod - notice anything about the omake ending part ;) :D

So guys. As Christmas is now upon us (it's 2 am here) I am going to go to sleep soon and arise to what will hopefully be a happy and calm Christmas Day. Good luck, best wishes and happy tidings to all. Hope you get what you want. And remember it's Jesus' birthday so be good. (sry if you don't believe in that but....) Merry Christmas Everyone! :D

Edit: There were like 10 PM's that I got that glitched and wouldn't let me view. So if you didn't get a response I'm sry yours was one of the ones that it won't let me view...

The blog title to end all blog titles....

Hey you guys. Sry I have been gone so long but it's not in my control. I am back at my friends house....He has dial-up and it took me forever but I responded to all of your comments on my last blog which was five days ago, lol. So this is taking me forever so I can't comment on blogs yet, but tomorrow the internet guy is coming to replace the messed up cable so hopefully I'll have internet by tomorrow afternoon. :D Life has been hectic even though I'm out of school. But its been fun. I have the two best friends in the world and my Wii is awesome :). So you guys don't have to comment on this blog, if you wan't I guess. Just letting you know I responded and for an update :D I still haven't seen the new Shippuden. It's the one everyone has been waiting to see and it's killing me lol. Oh well, I'll survive I guess ;). So long for now everyone. Best of luck! :D

There is no such thing as........This reminds me of that Terminator movie.

OMG! I can't believe I finally got on the internet. I'm at a friends house....So I set up my BRAND NEW computer last night and within one hour of it being on while I was downloading some updates the f*cking POS blue-screened and crashed. So I was like, d@mn that was weird. Started it back up and it wouldn't do crap. IT DIED!!! My brand new comp....So I went and exchanged it and got another one. It seems to be working but my cable and my internet (provided by my cable company) is messed up. This is the first time in days I have been able to get access. So to recap. My phone died. Then a few days later my computer died. Then I bought one and that died. Exchanged it and my internet doesn't work now and my cable is cutting in and out. AND now I think my TV is dying cause two lines are running up and down it, lol. OMG TECHNOLOGY HATES ME! So I obviously haven't been on to comment on blogs. Sry guys, but I'm not gonna have internet until the stupid company comes out and tells tries to fix it. This blows. But there is some good news. I got up at 2:30 AM (actually never went to sleep) last night and waited in line outside Circuit City and got my Wii! FINALLY! So my mom might let me open in tomorrow when my friends come down. :D At least there is some good news in my life. I swear it never ends and I think Murphy's last name = mine :lol:. There is no such thing as: - A girl too beautiful - A victory too satisfying - An anime too awesome - A unwanted friend - A dog not loyal - A meal too yummy - A forgotten love - A sight too awesome - The ocean too peaceful - Forgotten memories - Impossibility And yes I came up with them all ;) :D So I'm gonna be out for awhile. Gaara maintain the H&H for me :). Scatha keep Kakashi alive! :D Bye guys. Have fun and be safe during winter break. Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!

Shakaka*fades*...Shippuden 39! + Winter Break know the drill ;).

- Sai's rat jutsu was cool. That could come in handy in a lot of situations.

- Yamato trying to figure out the voices was funny. He wen't really high and then really low. Lol, that was great. And it was strange seeing something in the form of Hiroku move like that cause Sasori only slowly glided with it.

- Hmmm. For a little there I was actually thinking that Kabuto was Sasori's spy but oh well. As that part of the episode was going on though I was thinking with all the stuff Kabuto has helped him with there is no way that he could be against Oro and then it was revealed that he wasn't so I was proud of myself that I figured it out :D

- I wonder if there really was something that Sasori was supposed to give to Kabuto or if that was Kabuto testing him....

- Sai didn't do anything stupid in this one so my dislike for him has gone down a little :D

- Does Oro really think that he could have taken Sasori? Even with Kabuto idk. I mean he is a Sannin and all but if you think about it. With Iron Sand and the 100 puppets not to mention Sasori'sreal body. You'd have to think that Sasori would hit Oro with some attack and be poisoned. I know Oro was his Akatsuki partner for awhile and all and he had seen his real form but still. He may not have known if Sasori had turned HIMSELF into a puppet among other things.

I think that Sasori was pretty damn amazing and the weapons he had at his disposal were insane. I believe that Chiyo was the only one that could have taken him and she still needed Sakura's help. In the end though even they couldn't stop him and he basically gave up.

- Naruto's skin peels off and stuff when he goes Kyuubi in the next one. That looks pretty cool.

Funny Quote: Family Guy-Lol, I love this one.

Lois: Peter get the presents from the car for me *pause*

Brian: Well aren't you gonna get them

Peter: It's alright I already dropped them all off.

Brian: Peter, only one of the presents was for charity. The rest were for the family.

Peter: No, the rest were from the family......Uh oh. Since when did they change the meaning of for to from.

Brian: Oh you didn't get the memo? They sent you a letter but it said it was for you, so you must have thought it was from you know it's just easier to call you stupid.

:lol:. I love that show so much. I could watch re-runs all week. I hope you all enjoy your weeked and hopefully your on Winter Break by now. I'm jealous of those of you with snow *glares*...Bye. Have fun and be safe! :D

Not much color, but anyone notice anything about them ;)

Two month Anniversary + New Banner!

Well I FINALLY got my new banner up. Omg what an ordeal. I already knew I had a couple glitches on my profile. One of them was even if I had no new messages it showed 2 new. Then it got to the point where it said I had 4 new even if I had none. Then there was another one apparently where I couldn't upload any new pics to my profile. I think I fixed the latter one and now it says I only have 2 new messages again :P, lol even though I have zero. But anyways I uploaded the new banner!

And guess what, it's my two months anniversary!

Here are my stats so far compared to the first month: Then vs. Now


Friends: 108

Level: 5 with 97%

Posts: 3550

TOS's: 10

Submission %: 60% (12/20)

Reviews: 8

Blogs: 28


Friends: 169 (+61)

Level: 8 with 25%

Posts: 5657 (2107)

TOS's: 11 (+1 90% decrease :P)

Submission %: 80% (44/55)

Reviews: 8 (lol, didn't do any)

Blogs: 44 (+16)

Profile Views: 9418 (I guess I forgot to do profile views last time :))

But what the stats don't show is the knew friends I have made and the continued company of my old friends. It's kinda cool when you wake up and see PM's from people. I feel special :P. But really thanks guys and keep commenting! :D

I can't get over how much I like my new custom banner ;). Thanks again Diamond-chan!

Hajimite Kimi wo Shabetta

I love this song. I never liked the animation that went with it so I kinda disliked the song but since I downloaded it and the first time I heard it I liked it. You may recognize it as the 8th Naruto Ending ;).

I only have one more final tomorrow and then BOTH of my best friends are coming down Sunday from Northern Florida. I haven't seen them since August. I never really get excited about anythign but I am kinda excited about that :D.

I failed yet again to get a Wii this morning. My patience grows less and less....Anyways I will be getting a Wii. So anyone have any good games that they suggest. I bought Super Mario Galaxy and Mario Party 8 already. I'm gonna buy Metroid Prime 3, DBZ Budakai 3, Madden 08 and of course SSB Brawl when it comes out. I am thinking of getting Resident Evil 4 and I will get Twilight Pricess eventually. Comments on my list and some other games you guys like?

Top Five: Gamcube games I have spent the most time playing

1. Madden 05

2. Super Smash Brothers Melee

3. Tony Hawk 3 (beating it for everyone takes for-fricken ever)

4. Zelda the Windwaker

5. Soul Calibur 2

Random Movie Quote: Austin Powers - I didn't really think this was funny the first time I heard it, but the more you watch this movie series the funnier it gets.

Vanessa: Tell me something I don't know.

Austin: I open-mouth kissed a horse once.

Vanessa: What?

Austin: That's something you don't know.

Edit: (10:30 PM) - My good friend Diamond-chan made me a Kakashi banner but the stupid site won't let me upload it.......rigged. Anyways hopefully I can tomorrow. It's really cool. Thanks Diamond!

;)...Anyways hope your all doing well :). And thanks for all the comments guys. New record minus the spam blog :D

Under the water the fish don't stink...

The finals down, two to go. One is tomorrow morning and I'm gonna pull an all-nighter cause I have been major-slacking :D. Last one thursday and then I'm free!

I don't know about you guys and how you got your Wii's but its fricken impossible to find them down here. I got up at the hellacious hour of 6 am on a sunday morning. Drove to Target, Circuit City, Walmart, Bestbuy, 2 different Gamestops, EB games and BJ's (it's like our Costco or Sam club). NONE OF THEM had Wii's. Most of them had people come out and tell the customers camping outside that they didn't have any Wii's. Lol, omg it's impossible to find that damned little system. Circuit city did have 2 but the guy said that they gave out voucher's for them at 4 am !!! That's not right......But anyways you know what I'm gonna be doing when my finals end come friday morning. Lol, at 4 am I'm gonna be playing my gameboy outside Circuit City sitting in a lawn chair waitng....:lol:.....So messed up.

If you don't really care about Pro Football you can skip this paragraph if you wish although I think it is an amusing rant, lol.

Rant: I.........Hate.........The...........New.........England...........Patriots. Why won't they die? They should have lost a minimum of three games this year. But they just keep slippin' the refs $20's and the calls keep going there way. My Colts would have taken them down in the playoffs if Freeney hadn't been injured.....We still have a chance if Harrison gets healthy but.....My main problem is with the media being HUGE Brady and Belichik fan boys. OMG hes the best QB ever...and he's handsome....Oh lets bow at his will and kiss his feet.........Pisses me off........They are much more overrated than even those who think they are overrated...Without Moss that team would be 10-6.........If your a football fan I know you don't care but....oh well

So naturally todays song is what describes the Patriots the best: Three Days Grace - Overrated

Todays five (+2)things are what I'm gonna do when I finish my finals:

1. Sleep, lol. Lots of sleep

2. Set up my new computer :D

3. Dust off my Gamecube and do something with it

4. Go through all of my bookmarks (lately whenever I see something cool I have been too busy to search the page so I have bookmarked like 100 things, lol ;)

5. Clean my room :lol: so that it doesn't look like a disaster zone.

6. Catch up on a month's worth of reviews.

7. Do whatever it takes to get my Wii! :lol:

Shippuden 36-37-38! and reasons why people annoy me...

I finally saw the new Shippuden really late Friday night / Saturday morning. It was ok....looking forward to what better be some action next week. :D So the last few Shippuden episodes huh?....

- Never have I had a bigger turn around than last week when I started to feel bad for Sai. I went from total dislike to sympathetic I was thinking I was going to be able to tolerate the guy.

- Then this week he goes and starts acting like an @ss again. And I know he can't feel any emotions or anything, but what he was saying on Sasuke was purposeful and malicious and Sakura should have given him a piece of her fist. He was trying to get Naruto to go after him from what I could see......

- Yamato's crazy eyes are hilarious and Naruto's reaction each time is priceless.

- If Sai goes evil at least we know Sakura can break his jutsu kinda, although it might be attacking her but I still think that's a plus.

- Hmm what else...How awesome is it to be able to basically carry your own house around with you....Wait did I say house, that thing was like a small mansion.....Heaven and Earth bridge no jutsu :lol:

- I love how Naruto showed some restraint and didn't go after Sai. He just clenched his fist, counted to 3 (or whatever) and let it go...all for Sasuke. I guess there are times when Naruto can act mature, when the situation calls for it.

- Forget jutsus and strength, speed or physical ability. If Nartuo can get his temper under control he would be a much more prepared ninja.....although I think it's that anger that leads to the Kyuubi transformation but oh well. He could get angry at will for that I think.

This past week I saw a bunch of things that piss me off so here is a list: (I will be adding later, cause I can't remember some)

1. I hate it when people turn corners and don't look up and then when you try this acrobatic move to dodge;and they still run into you and give you that look like it was your fault... :evil:

2. I hate people that drive while on their phone.....and eating....and smoking...........idiot almost hit me....

3. I hate it when you do something or come up with an's rejected and then the copycat gets the credit when it is later accepted.......:evil:

4. I hate people that take up two parking spots.......that's it, lol. I mean honestly though, what could possibly be a reason for that....

5. More to be thought of...

Hey good news and bad news....1 thing fixed, another broke Ahh!

Well well well well well....My wireless internet on my laptop is working again.....but guess what came with main server failing. MWUAHAHAHAHAHAHA. :(. My laptop is picking up wireless signals but its useless if my computer that the cable feeds into is messed up. So we bought a new computer cause it was 7 years old (idk if I said that already) but now I have to set it up and stuff. So I have no internet at home (at school now). So I probably won't be on again until monday unless there is a miracle. BTW, these are just updates cause I feel kinda bad I can't comment on blogs, so I don't expect you guys to say "i'm sry" or feel bad or something.Shlt happens.

The one thing that doesn't suck is I can't download the new Shippuden cause my school server has firewall after firewall and I can't get past em all :lol:....:(.Might be the first time I don't have the new Shippuden watched by Friday.At 10 am this morning it wasalready the latest I have gone without watching it. So I will stay on for an hour or so here and do comments (sry if I miss yours) and then go home.

Which will be a happy comecoming cause I just took my hardest final. So it's not smooth sailing but easier anyways. Since were on school:

Favorite subjects:

1. Anatomy

2. Biology

3. Chemistry

4. Math (Algebra not Calculus and that stuff)

5. History? (not english thats for sure)

Bye everyone! Have a great weekend and be safe you crazy kids ;).

Continued issues = Fun for you guys!

Hey everyone. I continue to have computer issues. And since I haven't commented on anyone's blogs I will give you all permission to spam on my blog. That's right this is Firefox's first official SPAM BLOG. Have fun everyone. Looking forward to the randomness!