flUx_'s forum posts
im running it stock and i have an onboard sound cardYellowshirtsI'm sorry :( Maybe turn down your settings, that's a pretty graphically demanding level, right?
The official release date as far as I know is "When it's done".
So yeah, never.
oki runnin crysis for little under a week pulling up to the part where your fighting all the aliens on the boat
now up until this part crysis has ran beautifuly (15 - 30fps) throughout the entire game on high
it still runs normally but randomly crashes through out this part. its happend to me 6 times
Crysis 1.2
CPU: Pentium(R) Dual-Core CPU E5200 @ 2.50GHz (upgrade pending)
GPU: ATI Radeon HD 3870 X2
OS: Vista 32bit
Googled "random crashes on crysis", one person decreased the voltage on their CPU, the other removed their soundcard. It seemed to fix it. I don't know :?
ihave it and i already finish it but im very itersteing in playing like this game with optimal graghics and performance ( i play it with high , but texture ,shader ,object quality ,shadows are on low ) and when i reghed alians stage i turne every thing to low . faysal_haUpgrade. Your graphics card and your CPU needta go.
ok then you max standerd , hat kinde of games do you think this sucks card can handle with your maximum standerdsfaysal_haSpell check, bro. There are lots of games your computer can run at high settings. Just look around. Just about anything on the Source engine.
How is spending my own money on my own stuff wasting money? Hey I like to play games on a nice 24" display at 1920x1200, if you guys like playing at 800x600 like I said above more power to you.CellAnimation
pls tell me your specs ( gf 7300 .............................????)faysal_ha
3.0 GHz singlecore (edit: OC'd to 3.5 GHz), 2GB ram, Windows XP. Crysis runs on medium settings with decent framerates. Do you already have Crysis, or are you just looking into buying it?
[QUOTE="flUx_"]I run Crysis on my GF7300. You people know nothing.CellAnimation... and I run it on a GTX 260 Core 216, and last time I checked I knew at least 2 things. Like that you waste your money and you think a 8400 can't run Crysis? Boy, you know a lot.
Good deal. Kinda makes me feel like a sucker for getting it for 30 dollars :P
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