i m stuck on lvl 5 for ten days now and i m posting every day doing evry thing tht i can for lvl up but nothing helps it stays the same my percentage is same not even a .......09 rise is there wats wrong man T_T
guys every 1 loves music in sm kind it can be rock or pop or jazz or even tribal thing and it automatically generates interest in ppl so wat i m suggesting is a game based on theses pillars of music like if u like ROCK then u can play a band member fom your fav band in a story line like if u like britney spears then u can chose her as your charecter and kill hords of zombies u can do tht in multiplayer also just imagine how would it be if eminem and fifty cents fighting togather agianst hords of zombies or aliens or mutants or ne 1 according to story....................well this is just a idea plzz tell me how it is u all r free to add comments add to the idea of rock games so plzz reply
its not available on ps2 or ps1 but u can try wii {u know nintendos latest gaming system} wii has gun system for fps games u can cheack gamespot for more details just go to wii section of the site.............take my advise dont mention ps1 tht console existed like 3000000000000000000000000000000000000000 years before
if u want to know best rpgs then go for final fantasy series and dragon quest u can also go for champions of norath:realms of everquest if u r crazy about charecter custumization.........................and this for FPS u can try black, halflife,unreal tournament...........tht ccording to me best rpg and fps games if u want u can try them
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