flight78's forum posts
For all you skeptics out there I really recommend a book called "A skeptics search for God" by Ralph Muncaster. Give it a try its worth it:).
Here is something for you people to think about.
Did Jesus belive in Creation?
He certainly did ! in-fact if you study the words of Jesus he made claims that Genesis chapter 1 described 6 days without any gaps or long periods of time.
You see in Mark 10 verse 6, Jesus said "from the beginning of creation God made the male and female", now with these words he is teaching that God made Adam and Eve at the very BEGINNING of creation NOT of after billions of years had passed. Genesis 1 said that God spent 6 days making a world for Adam and Eve and then he made them both on that sixth day.
Actually the main reason people try to put more time in Genesis 1 is to allow for billions of years of earths history that's bad science and its also bad theology but Jesus made a claim that such a compromise is WRONG:!.
Creation lasted 6 days so we should accept the obvious meaning of Jesus words after all he is the author of creation and the word:D.
So there you have it!.:)
The apostle Paul warns us about satan´s ways. In 2 Corinthians 11:3 Paul warns christians that satan would use the same tactics
that he used on Eve in the garden of eden. How do you trick Eve? well he created doubt about Gods word knowing that doubt would lead too unbelief.
Did God really say that? is what satan asked Eve and sadly thats the same question that many christians ask today about Genesis.
Did God really say 6 days? did he really say world wide flood? did God really say death came after sin?.
You see one of the most effective ways to create doubt about Gods word is by teaching Evolution and billions of years.
Satan knows that if you can get people to question the book of Genesis which is foundational to the rest of the bible then this doubt will ultimately lead to unbelif regarding the rest of the scripture.
Thats why we need to accept Gods words of Genesis and NOT let the devil use his old tactics to spread skepticism to the rest of the bible.
[QUOTE="mohan88"][QUOTE="Scruffin_it"]People wrote the bible but how did they get infromation that jesus was son of God and speaking of jesus did he really exist? Lets face it most of the Gods are all fiction and jesus can be questioned if he did exist or not? Science is all facts if not most of them are.I don't believe in god but I do believe in somewhat of the bible.
I think the stories in the bible were based on true stories that were over exaggerated by story tellers. That someone made up god and told the people back then to win over power. There are so many scientific facts that show the bible is true yet false on so many actions. This is why I believe more into Science. It just also seems more realistic, since no magical powers have ever been seen or miracles have ever happen since Bible times.
How did they get that information? Why, a burning bush of course. :roll:
Didn't you know they're commonplace nowadays?
you are a scoffer
evolveing jesus posted some vids at 178 on this topic
science may say god doesnt exist(:roll: technically if u like)....... but it has proved the bible wrong. i choose not to belive in god becouse there is no logical reason for me 2. and i was not raised in a religion so i dont have it embbeded in my brain....
You don´t need to be raised in a religious family to believe in God. God drags people to him so that they may experience his mercy and love :).
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