chun li, guile, bison, balrog and everyother that requires holdback the button for good 2-3 seconds, you need to hold the first direction button 2 to 3 seconds after that just release it with every other button. (catapult system...hold and release).
Chun li Hold Back (3s) then follow it/release it by Forward, back, forward + kick Button
Guile is a bit tricky...hold Back+Down button (duck defense - 3s) then follow it by Forward, back, down, (up + Kick) button. now the up and kick button must be pressed together in order to make guile not jumping while doing this.
(ps: 3 Button together for every ultra as you know)
Advanced example:
Chun li Hold Back (3s) then follow it by (Forward + Punch) button...then back, forward + kick button...this will resulting in super cancel moves instead of doing super moves but you gotta do it before she finish her projectiles. if you wondering how is it possible..its simple basically the command still recording the same input for super so you dont have to hold another 3s for the super moves. try it
That goes for every other character. Ken = down, forward P then down forward P again while he does hadoken then it will resulted in super cancel so theres no need for down forward P and down forward down forward P again for the super.
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