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flipohippo Blog

halo 3 updates

hi today i got the mystic skull on normal laast level i skiped half of the game by playin online with my freinds

halo 3

i got halo 3 yesterday from tescos i have the achivmet fear my pink dust (kill 5 enamies with needler)

it amazing in 2 player p2 is abiter p1 i master cheif.

for those who have play halo 2 the flood is back (the creatures that take dead bodys and make em zombies)

at qone point the fight along side with you all the veichals have been upgraded the scorpion can have 4 people riding it on on the macine gun and one drivin with the cannon loads of new weps like the spike gun the gravity hammer you can rip turrets of there stands you can fly the good guys planes now the scarabs have been upgraded (ive take down 3) the same way go in kill blow up

ive just got shadowrun

i downloaded the demo it was so so so good i went a baught it its a amazing game the summon magik is kool a big evil creature comes from another world its one of the best games in ages now that plus halo 3 will be amazing warthogs that you can teleport in its amazing and so's the simpsons movie doctor nick died bye every body bye doctor nick its the apifatree

pokemon diamond

status for all pokemon:pkrs

GARCHOMP: lvl 48

empoleon: lvl 65

lucario:lvl 33

pidgeot:lvl 55

drapion:lvl 44

torterra:lvl 42

on viva pinata can any one send me a cocodile plz i will pay you 2000

choclate coins my gamer tag is Flippy da hippy

hi and welcome (again)

as some of you well actually all of u dont alredy know im andy i will soon get pokemon diamond and put my team of what i have up

on here if u want to have ur scores of any game just e-mail me at

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top score:

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like this

game guitar hero

top score

iron man 21030

andy or flipo as im know on here did this

pokemon diamod is on its way so i can put my team up on here

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