@grove12345 Great comment. Big money game industry can't handle innovation - it's risky. It doesn't bank on risk like it used to - it banks on safe - tried and true. Hundreds of millions behind games these days - and it can all go down the toilet in the blink of an eye and that means working at Wally World or talking to alley cats. Coupled with the internet (which has turned into troll central - it even created the word the way we use it today) innovation and risk to gaming is very dangerous to try and fail.
I don't really think you can combat online vitriol, gaming included, unless the internet is fundamentally changed in some form to discourage or do away with internet anonymity - I seriously doubt that's going to happen. It doesn't help when the internet, this site included, actively chum for trolls for ad revenue.
You make a show about trolling trolls and suddenly realize this creates trolls and possibly damages the integrity of the site. Well... better late than never. But in the defense of GS it isn't just GS it's the entire internet. I don't really think you can combat that without removing the ability to use the world-wide-web anonymously.
floydshayvious' comments