Facts don't exist anymore anywhere at all regarding any topic. One credible source says one thing - another credible source can say the exact opposite and stay credible.
The federal government will never enforce strict media/entertainment laws stripping pretend violence from what we consume as consumers. The second they remove that bag fat pacifier from our collective mouth there would be cries for revolution in the streets along with the general chaos of "OMG I have no beer and TV/Videogames to let out the STEAM!".
They know this.
They can try to disarm people (and probably will) - but they would never remove that big fat pacifier that keeps of CALM to CARRY ON.
After release I burnt out on GW2 after two weeks of playing and have not been back - it's still a solid and very pretty game IMO that deserves the title I guess. I've been playing D3 more though, personally.
Don't think it leads to anything directly but I do think violent games game have the potential to warp weak (or young) minds to want more violence or maybe view violence as "okay" - and that's not wise.
floydshayvious' comments