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flump101 Blog

New profile banner :)

thanx to snowman, i got a new awesome banner of pure epicness:D i edited it slightly so it is moe christmasy. YAY!!!!! CHRISTMAS IS SOOOOOO CLOSE!!!! :D after december has past, i will upload the original one that snowman made. it is epic in always and i just can't stop saying it. it is epic, it is epic, it is epic, it is epic :P

just a little word from...

*drum roll*

... FLUMP101

the most uncoolest guy in the world 8)

I found a glitch in LBP and it freaked me out like hell when i first did it!

My pod disappeared completely. KAPOOSH. completely gone and an exclamation mark in a spiky yellow bubble above your controller. yeah, the controller is still there. the wierd thing is that when you activate your controller, the pod comes back. YAY!!! i think i know how i did it though. get the crystal earrings decoration in your stickers and next to you controller, spin the decoration around and around and keep placing it. (i thought it would look cool which is why i did it) eventually it will look like an almost perfect circle so do it to the other side of the controller as well. your game should slow down like hell and after a while or so it should disappear. if you know how i did it and it wasn't what i thought it was, plz tell me what i did.

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this is like my first blog in ages because i am in high school and i have way too much homework and half of it is not necessary. every french lesson, homework! literally, every one so far. so i haven't really had time to go on here. i check my messages every now and then to see the new updates and event going on but that is about it. i am only able to do this now because i am currently in half term. YAY!!!! :D a whole week off but i still got like 4-5 pieces of homework. COME ON. you have a holiday off school and you DON'T WANT HOMEWORK!!!!! it is a fact. this blog was basically me just ventilating my feelings towards school. there are a lot more things i would like to say in thos blog about school but i don't think i would be aloud on the internet anymore :P

just a little word from...

*drum roll*

... FLUMP101

the most uncoolest guy in the world 8)

SCARED... so scared... help... please help... me


i am writing this blog now cause i won't have anytime in the morning cause i leave at 8:00 am and have to wake up at 4:30-5:00 am. there is a hell of a lot to do which i have put off until the last minute and now i have to pay for my actions... again. yup, this is not the first time, i kinda do it all the time which i am guessing is not a good idea but. i am not allowed to go on the computer or play my video games in the week unless all my homework is done and i get tones and will take me ages to do it all so i will probably only be on GS every now and then a week :cry: i am unhappy and depressed now. WHERE MY HOT CHOCOLATE, I NEED IT TO CALM ME DOWN. AAAAHHHHHHH!!!!!!! RUN OUT OF HOT CHOCOLATE... i am very depressed now. i think i will just go to that hole over there and wait there till i am found or die. bye then. *walks over to hole* WHAT!!!!!!!! THE HOLE IS ONLY 3 CENTIMETRES BIG. i am really, rreeaallyy depressed right now. well cya. *sigh*

just a little novel from...

*slow, sad drum roll*

... from flump101 *sigh*

I WILL NEVER GIVE UP !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

banner request

could someone plz make a banner that has deidara and tobi on it. i would like to have a sort of spiral backround with either, black and white or blue and dark blue if that is possible. if not, i will just have any other background. could i also have flump101's blog on it as well.

not much is going on really apart from the fact that i am goin to school on friday.... AAAAAAHHHHHH. so... scared, scared, so... scared.

just a little word from...

*drum roll*

... FLUMP101 8)

... I CAN'T THINK OF A TITLE!!!! i must be getting old or something

i thought i would upload a tutorial vid on how to draw manga faces so i did and i pleased with how it came out so i hope you guys like it. anyways, my vid to show what i did on my mini holiday during the holiday was too boring and i couldn't do it. it turned out VERY BAD, VEEEEERY BAD indeed. well anyway, here's the vid


WOOT. i am on youtube. WOOT

i am on youtube everybody. my name is flump1011 as flump101 was already being used by someone else... god damn that person aaarrrggg.

my movie is coming along well and will be done in the next few days.

just a little word...

*drum roll*

...FLUMP101 8)

i am not awesome. ooohhh yeah

Join these unions

i am an officer in these unions therefore i spend most of my time in these unions. they are really good and there are loads to do so check ´em out and if you like them, join!!!! :D

The Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Explorers Of The Sky.

The All-Out Pokemon Union.

The Akatsuki 13.

ANBU Black Ops.

The Pokemon Omega Alliance.

~The Naruto Union~.(i am not an officer of this union but i like it and i think it has got a lot of good stuff on it)

for those of you that have read my previous blog post, the movie is coming together but i forgot to save it as i was in a hurry so i have to do it all over again. should be done within the week starting tomorrow.

I am back and i want to get a game.

i am back from the best holiday ever. not Sweden though it comes a close 2nd. it was like a mini holiday on my holiday and i have been unable to get to a computer which is why i haven´t been on for 2 days. i will say what i did and hopefully show everything as well but all depends on how good i am at windows movie maker. it was all taped by a mobile phone so give my some sympathy cause a load of people thought i was completely spazed!!!!! :P i will post it in my next blog which will hopefuly be in a couple of days depending on the film.

whilst i was on my mini holiday, i played a PS3 game called ghostbusters. i only played for a little bit (like an hour or something on it) and got to the bit where you have to destroy massive marshmellow guy (i started at the holtel where you suck up the fisherman ghost). i thought it was quite good and would like it but i believe this is the beginning or more so towards it and i would like the opinion of someone who has finished the game or got near the end.

just a little word from...

*drum roll*

...FLUMP101 8)

if you can figure out what this blog says, then you are awesome. NO TRANSLATORS!

Tjena. mitt namn är Harry (A.K.A flump101) jag är nivå tolv på gamespot och har ungefär fyrtio vänner och cirka tre-hundra-och-åttio sida visningar. Jag är tretton år gammal och bor i England. TRÅKIGT !!!!!! jag är i Sverige så jag tänkte att jag skulle skriva en blogg på SVENSKA. huh cool. Jag tror så, så STICK OM DU TROR ANNORLUNDA !!!!!!! jag har en PS3, Wii och en DSi. jag åker tillbaka till england om tio dagar. jag har haft jätte kull härr och jag kommer att komma till Sverige igen i december/januari. jag längter verkligan redan
några rader från...
...FLUMP101 8)

Some drawings

This is quite an unusuall blog. i have started to draw again (at my old school, our art teacher was rubish and we did only one piece of writting a term. pichuzombie can vouch for me as well) and these are some of my best drawing that i intend to make into a story of some kind. plz tell me what you think and don't be too cruel. enjoy... hopefully.

The Badies :twisted:

h Name: Don't know.

l Name: Don't know.

j Name: Don't know.

l Name: Don't know.

The Goodies :oops:

a Name: Shikira Manasaki

h Name: Hamatara Manasaki

h Name: Shikira Manasaki (later on in the story)

Those who do not belong to any side:|

n Name: don't know or hasn't got one

others who are just in it 8)

h Name: don't know. (gets summond by Hamatara. mainly as a pet but can be used to fight if neccesary)

j Name: don't know. (sorry if it is too blury to see. my camera isn't that great)

there you have it. i have done others like the father to Hamatara and fiance to Shikira but it was when i first started so it isn't that great. hope you liked them. i will upload them to my images if you want to see them there as well.

just a little drawings from...

*paint brush splatter*


almost as cool as nobody on this planet. ooohhh yeah 8)

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