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1 day left

i have 1 day left after today untill i am going to Sweden for 3 weeks. i will miss all you guys. i don't know what more too say really. so... MEGA PIE BARRAGE FIGHT :P (hits every one who is sad enougth to be reading this) MUAHAHAHA.


the place i am going to has an internet connection so i can still be here. i won't be as active but i will be here. WOOT. the meaning of this blog and the one before it was meanigless i guess. but i am not able to play games via wi-fi like SSBB and pokemon and stuff... A PETAL IS LIkE A PIE BECAUSE THEY BOTH HAVE WINGS AND WEAR COTTON SHIRTS... :shock: yay :lol: FIRE SUCKS!!! BLOG TRANSMISSION OVER. ROGER, ROGER. OVER AND OUT.

a litle word from...

*drum roll*

... FLUMP101

as awesome as no one on earth. ooohhh yeah 8)

Leaving... Again

next monday, i will be going to holiday for 3 weeks to the country i was born in. Sweden. it will be 3 weeks long and stuff so don't PM me about stuff because you won't get a reply after a looooooong time (unless you post he day before i come back :P) last i went on holiday for a week and came back to find that i had 36 PM's. 36 PM'S!!!!! if that stays the same give or take a few, then i will end up with roughly 104 PM's. if that happens, only the first 2 pages will get a reply ant those after that will be deleted as i can't be bothered to read them.

see ya later you guys... in advanced.

a little word from...

*drum roll*



amost as cool as nobody on this planet 8) ooohhh yyeeaahh.

pokemon sprites


these are some pokemon splices i made. they are my first two i have done so they aren't anything spectacular and i am sorry if you can't see it very well because it is really blurry.

plz tell me what you think.

just a little word from...

*drum roll*



i am back and ready to act

woooooooooh. i am back and happy to be back. i will accept PM's now and reply shortly after they are posted. IT IS GREAT TO BE BACK. wwwwwwwooooooooohhhhh


i will be gone for about a week as i am going on holiday. don't send me too many messages about stuff like: can you join this, can you do that because i won't be here. see ya in a weeks time.

just a little word...

*drum roll*

... FLUMP101

(this isn't really one of my proper posts so i will not be doing a mini-wierd story as it is just to inform every one that i am away. you guys will still get a massive story when my next blog comes out. if you guys could send me some PM's about what you would like to see then i will consider them all when i come back. i don't know what to do that is why so i will really appreiciate some PM's hile i am gone.)

Almost There :D

it is Saturday where i am and it is exactle 7 days to the next saturday. the best saturday ever. no, it is not birthday. IT IS THE SUMMER HOLIDAYS :lol::lol::lol:

we have had our last maths, science and geography lessons. all lessons i hate very much. i can't wait. we miss the afternoon lessons on the monday for leavers assembly, (i am leaving to go to high school so we have a big assembly with awards) tuesday is a normal day:cry:, wednesday, we are in none uniform and do loads of fun stuff :lol:, thursday, we go to pleisure-wood hills fo the day :lol: and friday we have another fun day but we don't have a non-uniform day :lol::(

just a little word from...

*drum roll*

... FLUMP101

(i hven't got a miny story as there is nothing to complain about or to write about unfortunately :( soz to all you guy who wanted one. i will do a massive one in my next blog to make up for it so be extra exited when my next blog comes out.)

happy independance day

even though i live in england, i shouldn't shrug it off and say 'well it is not my country, why should i care.' some of my friends are american so... HAPPY INDEPENDENCE DAY to all of you out there.

just a little word from...

*drum roll*

... FLUMP101 (or FLUMPMYSTER, as pichuzombie wishes to nickname me)

*radio* the americans are loving independance day.

*some guy walking down the street mumbles* who cares, i am not american.

*my ear tunes in to this guy* you shall die for your insolence.

*i get my sword out and jump at the horrible man* DIEEEEE.

*the mans head falls to the ground in a pit of acid which corrodes his head* Ha, sucks to be you.

*radio and every one in the world, apart from america obviously, talk in synch* we don't care, we don't care about independance day. we don't care.

*shout and clutch my head* NOOOOOOOOOOOO. it is like itachi's tsukyomi but 1,000,000 times worse.

*the sun goes black and flies towards the earth* Ha, all you independance haters shall die with your insolence.

*i teleport onto a different world* WOW. this is awesome.

*strange alien with two eyes on tentacules floats towards me* you have done well. you have saved america and there independance day so you were saved as well.

*i shout* AWESOME

*i get up in my bed suddenly* aaaaaaaahhhhhh man. that was awesome. must get to sleep. must see the end.

*falls back to sleep to continue the dream where i am the hero of independance*

PS3 online ID

does any one have a ps3. i would love to have more friends as i don't have many. my name is kakalaka1 (don't ask. part swedish and kakalaka stands for cockroach.)

oh by the way. don't use my idea of having mini stories in your blog. it was my idea and you stole it from me. STOP DOING THAT. you can do something a bit like what i am doing but at least make it into your own idea. adapt it to the style you like. i will get realy annoyed if you don't.


I HATE WEDNESDAY'S !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! it is the day before thursday and i hate thursdays. wednesday isn't all that great either. bad lessons and just a bad day for me. i hate them.

just a little word from...

*drum roll*

... FLUMP101

i am awesome 8)

*some random guy singing* wednesday, wednesday, wedneday, i love wednesday, every one loves wednesday.

*trail the ugly guy*

*he stops at the worst place ever* it is the 'wednesday rules' shop. sells i *heart* wednesday things. must burn down. kill all.

*run away to the east side of town*

*runs back with evil mob with horrible flaming torches in hands* now my minions, burn the place down to the ground. leave none alive.

*helecopters with armed mschine guns arrive overhead, army tanks bulldoze to the scene, an evil baby with a mega flamethrower in it's hands* FIRE!!!!


*shouts out* oh yeah. we win.

*dust clears, building still there* what the hell. why isn't it on the ground burnt to a crisp. the wednesday lovers. they have formed a protective barrior

*shouts* WAR!!!!

*bang, boom, baby laughter, machine gun firing* what the hell. how am i the only one left. i have military weapons, and a baby. wait. yeah they dead to. wait no. one left. evil gay ugly gay from earlier today. he shall surely die today.

*magic fight happens* tsunami strike, giant fireball.

*fireball comes towards me, tsunami extinguish it* ha. i am the lord of water and you are ugly. i shall win this fight. your doom is inevitable.

*tsunami crashes through town and smashes evil wednesday building to splinters and ugly man gets drowned* i win ha.

*police and price arrives to the scene* thrice have ye disturbed the streets of fair vero- *whisper, whisper, whisper* uhhhh, sorry. you have disturned our streets three times in colchester sooooo, don't do it any more.

*another ugly man appears on the street opposite me* thursday, thursday, thursday, i love thursday, every one loves thursday.

*get mad start to trail him* just give it up. go home and go eat something.

*sulks* fine. what ever you say.

*walks away in a small tantrum*

first blog brag with wierd story

oh yeah, i got 1 comment on my very first blog. that is 100 times better then what i predicted. go my blog, go my blog, go my blog, go my blog.

i little word from...

*drum roll*


the coolest guy ever if every one on earth died apart from pichuzombie as i know him in real life. not cool, i can tell you. nerd, nerd, nerd. MEGA NERDZILLA

*whispers to pichuzombie* no offence.

*pichuzombie whispers back* a bit late but i don't mind.

*whispers to pichuzombie* oh, didn't think you would say that, thought you were going to back-stab me in the stomach.

*pichuzombie whispers back* i am!!!!

*gets chicken out and back stabs me in the stomach*

*crown cheers pichuzombie on*

*whispers to pichuzombie* that wasn't very nice, that hurt a bit. is that how you treat people.

*whispers back* you know i have social problems so this shouldn't come to a shock to you

*whispers to pichuzombie* it wasn't. i just thought it cool to record you saying that so every one can here it and call you SOCIAL REJECT.

*every one in crown joins in*

*whispers back* you are officially the biggest LOSER!!!!!!!!!!


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