It's nice for everyone to get the chance to play the game but, if you have a 360 or PS3 and you're waiting for another version...don't. The game is great. Play it now.
It's funny how the user reviews pretty much anywhere on the internet laud it as one of the best games on Vita, but quite a few critic reviews really didn't think of it as such.
I'm a bit surprised by the parity, only because everyone seems to agree that the graphics are top notch and it's a solid shooter mechanically. That's what Killzone has always hungs it hat on, and the PS3 games are often praised for it even with a passable storyline and typically linear FPS structuring.
I agree with most of what you're saying about the Wii U. I made it pretty clear...their business model sucks. Money can solve a lot of problems though. People need to be fired, lots of things need to change, and so on. No argument there. He said other stuff that doesn't make sense though.
He implied that mobile has/will replace "game-only" handhelds. First of all, handhelds of today don't just do games either, so scratch that point. Vita can do a lot of non-gaming functions. So can the 3DS. Tablet games suck anyway, and the business model they use is too boom or bust.
The thing about the Occulus is mostly "what if" based. If they can eliminate lag, if they can solve the issue of motion sickness, etc. Occulus is being used to bring games into the VR space. It's just a different way to play the same stuff, and it's very niche. VR always was.
This is why the guy is irrelevant. Einstein had sound reasoning and used evidence to support his theories. Bushnell is neither here nor there. This is what he's been doing lately...talking just to hear his own voice.
Nolan Bushnell was a smart and respected person in the game industry about 40 years ago. Considering the fact that Atari's failure spawned the success of Nintendo...this comes off as grudge bearing to me.
Nintendo's console business plan sucks right now, no question. It's not an irreparable situation though. They can (hopefully) springboard sales with some big game releases, they can pay for some more third party support or they can scrap the Wii U and start fresh on new hardware. When you have money you have options.
Atari has been irrelevant for 30+ years. Funny to hear a name that's been buried that long rise from the dead to talk about current events.
Not really, they make some of the best rated and most recommended products in those categories even today. High-end ones as well as budget.,2817,2369450,00.asp
Care to put any of those in your search bar? All unearned praise...I'm sure.
I find it amusing that you somehow know the poster I was responding to meant other sony products and not Playstation since you know, he didn't actually specify and we are on GAMESPOT.
Well if you care about console wars, the last time they won one of those was in 2005 actually. Not to mention they make some of the best cameras, TVs, and laptop computers on the I'm guessing they've won quite a few contests just in the last couple years.
Probably in the minority, but I love Quantic Dream games. It's a damn shame they passed on it for a very stupid reason. It's a story element of video game, lol. I guess it's okay that a woman gets 'kidnapped' in Alan Wake though, right?
What does one have to do with the other? Believe it or not, there are things Sony and MS do that is positive as well as negative. Novel concept right there.
If you are a Nintendo console owner, you should be glad you have free online and a DRM-free environment.
There's nothing to be glad about in regards to a lack of third party support. That is the issue here. But if you feel the need to deflect negative attention by changing the what makes you feel better.
flyersfan87's comments