Having lived with depression myself, I have strong opinions on this topic. My experience is that it's an all consuming force that.... isn't fun. But it is a relationship that stays with you for life. I'll leave it at that for the time being, sorry to be vague.
The state of affairs concerning women as an image in gaming, and women game designers, is one that sickens me while being obviously unsurprising. I do think though that this will be the generation of gamer/designer that will change these images. I also think it will happen faster then people think. That is my hope in any case.
@Kevin-V @Jacanuk @carolynmichelle @RC-Sev Carolyn is a big girl. She can defend herself, or be defensive, if she so chooses. No need to do it on her behalf.
The comment is valid, and you trying to paint over it with your aggressive statement isn't going to change that fact.
@Kevin-V@Jacanuk@RC-Sev Well if it isn't Kevin "my job title is Senior Editor, even though I post unprofessional quippy defensive responses to other peoples comments in the comment section" VanOrd.
If someone wants to comment on the reviewer (AS a reviewer), or Gamespot for views, comments, reviews and the like, then it's fair game, intelligently expressed or not, preferably the former.
Also, I am so tired of the sex/gender excuse used when it ISN'T out of line, but rather a comment on the review's quality, and the quality of the reviewer as a reviewer, and ONLY that.
I can't speak for San Francisco, but I do read quality stories from organizations based in New York and London, The New York Times, and The Guardian, for example.
Strangely, in the comment section of those stories I don't see writers and Senior Editors carry on and vent defensive statements the way that you do, if at all.
Or perhaps it's not strange. Perhaps those people are just being professional. Oh that word again.
focuspuller's comments