MrEmpirical: Welcome to TUGOWU. If you feel you have some creative challenges to put forth, (CotG/CotT-ish) have some boss/weapon/spell ideas or just have some tactics you would like to submit/discuss then you will find we have threads for those topics. I've been trying to get the ball rolling for some of these topics but I need at least one person who is willing/capable to make CotT (creative) and challenges suited to the limits offered in Arena of the Fates (I call these "Challenge of the Fates")
Though it is unfinished, you'll find my GoWII Tactics/Tips thread quite full of information. If you would like to discuss what I've written or add some of your own to discuss/ all means.
AIG: It isn't easy being GodModeGOD (Senior Officer)..I'm pretty much the lone editor/updater around here so my memory falters or my motivation wanes with my mood. (with no one to pick up my slack)
forsaken_elf:You are in the middle-end ofyour GoW God Mode NUR..from there you intend to backtrack?
Hey creeper. Sorry for the belated response. Anyway:
GoW1 Spartan Mode NUR
GoW1 God Mode NUR+ to clone battle (cant beat clones... Shinobier's a freakin wizard). The thing that Im proudest about in this run is that I A. Didnt use homerun techniques (didnt know them... 12 Hades Satyrs were hard.....) and B. Didnt skip ANY optional fights (Cerberuses on the roof of Architect's tomb... guh).
No Homerun techniques?..Neither did I for all my previous NURs before running into them. I'm aware of the Hades Satyr challenge and how hard it is without them..I made use of all 4 chests to make it as easy and quick as possible. No reason to skip fights if you haven't beaten it to completion at least once amirite? After it got to where I breezed through the runs, I would skip any fights I had no business doing so I could do what I was running for..usual to test something. *I rarely bothered with saves so If I needed to do something in the middle of the game I'd have to do another playthrough*
GoW2 God Mode NUR.
GoW2 Titan Mode NUR
GoW2 Titan Mode NUR+
GoW2 GK:TM:NUR - pending. I started it... but then moved onto other games. Short attention span. It's a miracle I got in as many runs as I did. ^_^
It is an interesting run once you get a little ways into it..I'd say by the time you get to the BK it starts to is the Endurance Run that really makes it worth your while..if you were not a master of collisions and exploiting would be by the end of the GK:TM:NUR. I use it is a way to make alternate Orion's Harpoon more appealing to first time learners as the collision damage they cause is massive plus it adds a new element if they had already done a TM:NUR/NUR+ without knowledge of it.
I think that's everything to speak of... I havent tried any "no magic" runs or anything. I *kinda* did a NUR/NCR on GoW1 at one point... but I think I only started it like halfway through, and I cant remember if I *really* stuck to it through the end, so Im not comfortable claiming it. I might do it again at some point, and make sure Im strict about it. Might could call it pending. ^_^
I've added the information.
yeah i noticed everyone has multi lvl NUR's so i figured when i finish mt GM:NUR i would back track to do it again on the lower lvls just to get it out the way. It should be np since id be going backwards into easier lvls
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