@blz8: Who cares about the last time McFarlane wrote Spawn? When was the last time Stan Lee wrote the Hulk or the Avengers or Spider-Man? Yet they've remained relevant and have become massive commercial successes.
Hell, Alan fucking Moore and Neil Gaiman couldn't even make Spawn appeal to a newer generation. Two of the greatest comic writers in history, and their issues of Spawn just languish in bargain bins because people couldn't care less.
@blz8: Spawn was absolutely a fad. The comics were EVERYWHERE in the early/mid 90's and now no one really gives a rats ass. Even the whole look of the character screams 90's. Clad in rustling chains, glowing green eyes, spikes protruding from his skin...superheroes are now bigger than ever, but that still hasn't ushered in some sort of Spawn resurgence. No one cares anymore.
Just because the animated HBO show was entertaining and a relative hit during its time doesn't equate to Spawn still being relevant today.
That's like me saying Pogs or roller blades are still "in".
Most people won't give two shits about either of these consoles unless they've bought a 4K TV recently or plan on buying one within the next year or so. Otherwise, what the hell is the point if you already own a PS4 or XBone?
I'm skipping this bullshit "in between" gen entirely.
The PS5 and Xbox2 or whatever the hell will just come rolling down the pike by 2019 anyway.
Frank_Castle's comments